What Would You Do With 12,500Gold...Of Debt?

Day 951, 15:48 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

Over the past 6 months, the United States has slowly been accumulating something terrible, a disease which threatens to destroy our economy, weaken our military and even bring our nation to an end. We have accumulated debt. While debt in small quantities can be wonderful - allowing our country to expand and defend, we have amassed an enormous amount of debt - over 12,500 Gold to be exact, and I haven’t even looked at every department yet. While we owe our debt to our citizens rather than other countries, this is still unacceptable. We are merely kicking the proverbial can down the road and hoping the next person fixes the problem. Well, I can be that next person and I am ready to fix this problem.

This debt comes from multiple sources. We still owe money for bonds that we issued way back in March! We also owe money for the Cycle 2 Bonds and V2 Bonds. Then there are multiple loans that we have yet to pay back. Each President has sought to raise money through bonds and loans in order to spend on the military while at the same time lowering taxes and increasing spending in every area except debt repayment. The result is a sleeping monster inside the Treasury, one which we do not want to wake up. No President has addressed this because this problem could potentially mean making two unpopular decision: Raising taxes on US citizens or cutting military funding. As the owner of the largest bank in the world, I feel I am uniquely qualified to address this issue and will make sure it is addressed in a timely fashion, but most importantly - it will be done by organizing our budget - not by cutting military spending or raising taxes.

I am determined to rid our nation of this cancer within the first week of my term if elected. Bonds will be the first to go, and I believe that repayment can be finished within 24 hours of stepping into office. Then debt from loans will be cleared up after that, but that is not enough.

I believe that we must re-organize the nation to become more efficient and transparent. I will consolidate government organizations as much as I can without reducing security and will make sure that one official is made aware of every government organization and its holdings, allowing us to make informed financial decisions. This can be done without raising taxes or shutting down spending, all it requires is patience and some time focusing on our nations budget and needs.

It is time that our nation step back and clear up our obligations from V1 before heading into a new world that offers many opportunities (if we are able to reach them). V2 will only help the countries that spend wisely and budget with informed decisions. I aim to make the United States one of those countries so that, as V2 approaches, we can be the most successful country from the get-go by being one of the only major countries to be debt-free.

Presidential Candidate