What Will Happen This Time?

Day 1,666, 14:50 Published in USA USA by Chutley


Well hello.

I once wrote an article about playing eRep in moderation. I thought I could do it, but I failed miserably…for months. I’ve now returned after nearly a year, and I’m only sticking around if I am up to the task this time around.

In order to achieve a healthy eLevel of eParticipation, I did some eSelf-exploration to find out how I ended up spending far too much of my life, thinking, and emotional attachments to this silly website (because it really is just website right? I mean, we call it a game, but games…I don’t know…do stuff?).

So below is my evolution as an eRepublik “player,” which, simultaneously, delineates my devolution as a person. These are the stages I underwent – what stages are you in?


Stage 1: Two-clicked
Stage 2: Ten-clicked
Stage 3: My finger hurt from clicking


Stage 1: Had 4 “friends” and declined requests because, hell, I didn’t know those people
Stage 2: Accepted all friend requests and friended anyone who commented on any of my articles
Stage 3: Created a friendship badge

Logging On

Stage 1: Once per day
Stage 2: Once every few hours
Stage 3: Even while at the gym in between sets to see how many votes my last article garnered.

Reading Articles

Stage 1: Laughed at people for caring so much
Stage 2: Became genuinely interested in the content
Stage 3: Cared too much

Writing Articles

Stage 1: Wrote stuff off the top of my head in 10 minutes
Stage 2: Added graphics and planned articles
Stage 3: Paid cash to have my articles translated to Turkish

Subscription Numbers

Stage 1: Thought 40 was a lot
Stage 2: Thought 400 was a lot
Stage 3: Can’t understand why every person isn’t subbed to my paper? Come on people, it’s just a small button! Just press it for god’s sake, what do you have to lose? Are you really that selfish? I mean come on.


Stage 1: Didn’t care
Stage 2: Tried to care
Stage 3: Went back to not caring (Sorry Bia and EZC)

Political Party

Stage 1: Joined the UIP because they had a cool logo
Stage 2: Switched to the Federalist Party because Gnilraps asked me to
Stage 3: Stayed up until 2:00 am waiting to be told who to vote for in congressional elections

Forum Participation

Stage 1: What’s a forum?
Stage 2: Casually checked in on posts
Stage 3: Had my own “mask,” avatar, and actually cared to increase my post numbers


Stage 1: Had never been on before
Stage 2: Signed on occasionally
Stage 3: Hosted a Fed IRC party on a Friday night

Bottom line is this: all of those Stage 3’s kinda gross me out when I look back at them. They’re for some, but not for me, especially when pulled together at the same. In order for me to stay around I’ve got to choose my involvement and stick to it. I choose thusly – to click, to fight these stupid wars, to read your articles, and to write my own. And damnit to not spend too long on them.

Always a Fed, but no more forum for me. No more IRC. No more running for Congress or even caring what Pizza the Hut says (if he’s still around). (Another note: Romper is Level 195? Really? Holy balls).

So, if I already know you, believe me – I’ve missed you (a bit). And if I don’t know you yet, I welcome your friend request, your subscription, and your inane comments.


Tepidly Returningly,