What the New Resources Mean for us

Day 1,106, 10:00 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

So as I am sure you have noticed by now, the admins have appeared to add several new resources to the game. While none of these resources are available on the marketplace yet, if you look at the map you will notice that they have been added. The admins in their infinite wisdom have decided to not publish an article or send us any kind of message letting us know what is going on. Given that fact, I will briefly go over the new resources added to the game and what they mean for the eUS in particular. So let us begin.

Saltpeter – For those who are chemistry challenged, saltpeter goes by the chemical name Potassium Nitrate. Though it has several uses, in real life it is most commonly used in gunpowder. Therefore, I believe that it will somehow be playing a role in the weapon category specifically as a source for ammunition. The admins did not bless us with a region of saltpeter. However, two regions that border us the Baja and Northwest of Mexico do have saltpeter. Americans have wanted a war with Mexico for a long time, and it now appears that we may have an actual reason to invade.

Saltpeter makes things go boom

Rubber- Just like Saltpeter rubber is another new resource that has been added to the game. I honestly have no idea what rubber will be used for. My only guess is that it will somehow be used in the weapons industry in the building of weapons. Artillery needs tires and tanks need tracks, so it makes sense right? Anyways that is just a speculation, I guess we will have to wait and see. Like Saltpeter we have not been blessed with a rubber region and unfortunately there are not really any near us. Most of the world’s rubber is concentrated in the Northern part of South America and Southeast Asia. It may make for very interesting politics in those areas depending on the actual importance of rubber.

Oil- Oil is one of the few original resources that actually remains in the game. As to be expected, eUS was blessed with oil regions. We have four of them but I have no idea why Illinois is one. Anyways we are good on Oil. As you may know Poland is currently occupying Illinois and I assume that this will remain the case given that Poland does not have a high oil region of their own. You are welcome Poland.

We done got us some oil

Iron- Just like Oil, Iron has remained in the game. Just as was the case before, we do not possess a
high iron region. However, for some unknown reason the UK has three iron regions. That’s right a nation that had zero iron regions before now has three of them. WTF . Given the fact that they are a pathetic nation, it is my hope that us and Canada can divide that Iron up using the UK as merely our vassal island.

Grain- As was to be expected we got a buttload of grain. However, our friends In Canada and in Ireland were not given any grain regions. If feasible a region renting agreement may be able to work out here. Grain like Iron and Oil still remains in the game.

Fruit- Fruit is obviously a new resource that has been added to the game. Sensing our homosexual tendencies the admins decided to give us a plethora of fruit. Seriously look at the map, the entire Southeast is all fruit. Poland does not own any natural fruit regions of their own, however they are occupying Tennessee which is a fruit region. It is my guess that they will stay there just like they should stay in Illinois. Again I say you are welcome Poland.

We got plenty of fruit. I guess we got the UIP to thank for that one

Fish- Another new resource, fish has been added to the game. Fish is delicious and it disappoints me that the admins did not give us a fish region. However, the admin works in mysterious ways so I guess there is no reason to try and understand how exactly this region placement went down. My guess is with lots of liquor and a dice. As previously mentioned the Brolliance vassal island of UK has plenty of fish so as long as our domination of that nation continues we will be fine. If it does not, Canada has plenty of fish as well so if possible a good ole fashioned region trade could be in order. We have oil and grain which Canada needs and Canada has fish which we need. Hopefully we can get that to work out.

Deer- Ok how the hell did we not get a deer region. Anybody who has been to the USA knows we have deer fucking everywhere. Anyways I guess there is no point in bitching now we just must make due. Our previously mentioned friends in Canada have three deer regions. Again it appears that a region trade would be extremely ideal. We give them grain and oil and they give us fish and deer. That would be awesome. As I am sure you can see, it appears that region renting and trades will play a heavy role in our new world.

Cattle- Holy cattle Batman! Cattle is another new resource that has been added to the game, and we have 15 cattle regions . How we ended up with 15 cattle regions and no deer regions puzzles me but I digress. (Inb4 jokes about how we need all the cattle to make our cheeseburgers). Poland currently occupies 4 of our cattle regions, and again I assume they will want to hold onto them given the fact they do not have natural cattle regions of their own. Man this resource realignment really worked out perfectly for us and Poland.

LOL stupid fat American need cattle to make all cheeseburger wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

Aluminum- Finally, Aluminum is the last resource I will discuss. As you should know it is also new to the game. The admins have graciously blessed us with a few Aluminum regions which are centered in the Northeast. It is possible we could rent out a aluminum region. To who you ask? Well none other than our dear friends in Poland.

Holy shit that was long. No witty closing today, I apologize. Until next time…..

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak