What the New Module, and Changes have inspired me to do!

Day 1,043, 17:19 Published in Philippines USA by Jelly9473

The past few days have definetely drawn me back to the game, at my peak I was spending 6-8 hours on here on average, when V2 dropped my gameplay dropped considerably, until last week where I was playing less than 15 minutes a day. After reading that the economic and military module would be changed and Erepublik Rising virtually eleminated I have started playing on average 4 hours a day for the past few days.

I'm back 😉

Another topic that caused me to return to the game, or atleast spend more time was the fact that my organization India Rising was hacked, the companies dissolved and the money donated and handed out to players other than myself. I spent a few hours doing investigating of myself, publishing tickets, asking friends for loans + donations (I will explain why I do not need these anymore) and chatting up the IRC asking for help.

Last night I was luckily enough to run into Xtasia in #SEES who was generous enough to listen to my case, return the organization to me and return 230 gold that was lost when the companies were dissolved by whoever hacked my account. I was overjoyed, and still am. I was listened to and was able to recieve nearly everything I lost.


I would also like to say thank you to those of you who returned some, if not all of what they recieved, Resistance4400 even returned 100 gold that he had recieved from whoever had hacked my organization.

With the gold that was returned to me I have purchased, and begun to run a Iron company in Karnataka, eIndia, with export licences to USA, Croatia, India and Philippines, with which I will use to supply the ePhilippines market with cheap iron while still supplying my Q2 tank company.

In the coming weeks I will also most likely be creating a Q2 Rifle, and Q1 Heli and Artillery Companies stationed here, along with a Diamond Company in eCanada with an export license to ePhilippines so that I can supply my companies, and the market with cheaper than normal Titanium.

(This is my current business plan which is subject to change)

I would like to finish my part on the economic module with a statement: I will not be angry, nor will I report someone if they are brave enough to come forward and admit to the hacking of my organization. Most of what was lost was returned, I do not care that it happened anymore, I just want to know why and how it happened. I will be happy to forgive you, I just want to know how you were able to do it so that I can avoid it in the future and help others to do so as well.

Now onto what the military module has inspired me to do:

For those of you who have read about the changes to the war module, you already know of what I'm about to say,for those of you who haven't, here's the best explanation of how it works:

When a region is attacked upon joining the battle you will be fighting the name of a player who lives in the region, if there is a region with 20 people the names will be limited to those 20, if there is a region of 10,000 the module will choose someone from those 10K that you will fight about.

So what does this mean?

If Someone is present in an attack on Singapore City they have a 1 in 260 chance to attack the admin.

And so, today I pledge to you, the citizens of eRepublik that is my goal, nay my duty! To make sure that I will be the one responsible for succeeding, where Glorious Failure Faile😛


-- Jelly9473 CAN into Adminland.