What the Liberal Party can do for this country

Day 702, 12:45 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

As party president I feel privileged to have the ability to steer this country in a new direction. People may interject at this point to inform me that the LPSA is not a top 5 Party and thus can’t make a difference. I will reply, and point out to the interjector that the nice thing about not being a top 5 is that we can enjoy the challenge of becoming one. This article is aimed to educate South Africans about what the LPSA can do for this country and enact change.

Party Leadership
I was proud to be made Party President. My time as Vice President for the LPSA taught me a lot about what running a party is all about. I now can take what I learnt and put it into practice.

I have vast experience in the eSouth African sphere. I have been in this country since just after my eBirth and have believe that I have played a important role in helping the country become what it is today. For those who don’t know, I will list my accomplishments here:

* Commander of the Pretorian Vanguard
* Advisor in the War Room (eSA – Indo War)
* Military advisor to S.A.I.L (eSouth African Government in Exile)
* Member of S.A.I.L
* Mobile Infantry (eUS) during the PEACE – US war
* Successfully ran a Iron Mine in the eUS
* Golden 10 congressman
* Second term congressman under the LPSA
* Vice President of the LPSA
* Forum Administrator for the LPSA (http://libesa.co.cc/forum)
* President of the LPSA
* Platoon Commander (Pretorian Guard)
* Media Anylist (Czech Republic and Canada)
* Editor: The Witness
* Editor: Patriots Voice

I have chosen Boerehitman to be my Vice President as he has shown the most interest in the party. I am sure that we will make a great team even if we don’t agree on everything.

What the LPSA stands for:
Liberalism comes from the Latin “liberalis” which means: suitable for a free man. That is, and it should always be the focus of the party. We must believe and practice personal freedom and this should be the philosophy that our party contributes to the country.

We believe the following regarding freedom:

* Freedom of speech
* Freedom of association
* Freedom of political affiliation
* Freedom to hold government accountable.

We believe that a free man’s responsibilities should be:

* Not to lie, or degrade anyone
* Use responsible information in articles and comments
* Co-operate with government as long as your freedom is not affected.

I will be posting more on what the LPSA can do for this country with regard to congress and the office of president at the later stage.

Until then sign up at our forums: LPSA FORUM
Or join the party here: PARTY PAGE


Mark Morcom
Party President LPSA
Congressman FREESTATE