What Should Congress Do?

Day 1,164, 20:29 Published in USA USA by Leroy Combs

As of Day 1164 over 56 percent of the job offers on the U.S. market were offers of $6.00 USD or less. Why is this so? Any person in the U.S. could get a job for over $13 USD. Why would anyone take a job for $6 USD or less if they could make over $13 USD? Why would a business owner post a job for $6 USD when they knew there were better offers out there?

I'll tell you why - employers are hiring workers at a lower salary so they can donate the balance of their wages to that worker tax free. Workers work for $6 USD, then have the remaining sum donated directly to them. The goal here is to get more money to a worker without having it be taxed. This means less money finds its way to the government, and thus less funds for our country. Will congress do anything about it? We will have to wait and see, although I doubt it.

Think what the U.S. could do if everyone paid their taxes. The thing I hate the most is that the people who can afford it the least are the ones hurt the most. They are the ones who could use the programs designed to help them level up faster. I have heard it said that if we increase the minimum wage we will be hurting our military and militias, who rely on commune style systems. But if we can't increase the minimum wage when we are taking in more USD per day in taxes since well before Christmas, when will we? I think it would be interesting to see how much more taxes we can take in if we make a larger segment of the population pay taxes. Just imagine what a fully funded government could accomplish.

Over the last ten days we have about 21 fewer job offers on the market. Yet the number of job offers below $6 USD stayed the same. Even worse, the job offers for less than $5 and $4 USD both went up.

You can check out the information I used for this article here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmKQ_J4hCnZGdGJoQWtURzE0czNzTTVyX0pMdjh5cmc&hl=en&output=html

Disclosure: I manage and work in 20 companies. I have one person that I pay by wage donation but his base salary is $9.41 USD per day. Raising the minimum wage will have no effect on what I make in my companies. Imagine what we could do with the extra revenue. There is hope this congress session has just started and maybe something can be done.