What's up with the new hospital design?

Day 849, 16:52 Published in Romania India by Pheenic

To all Romanian citizens,

Do you hate the new hospital feature. To "boost" the industries for houses and high-quality food, the Admins have decided that when you heal in a hospital, you won't regain 50 wellness or enough wellness to take you to 100 wellness! No, instead, you'll only gain the wellness you lost in the battle!

If you don't understand, here's an example. I have 90 wellness. I fight four times down to 50 wellness. I heal. In the old hospital, I would have healed back to 100 wellness, the maximum. But in this new way, I only heal back to 90 wellness. That means I'm 10 wellness short, and after working and training the next day, I'm going to end up with less wellness than the day before! At that rate, I'll soon be left with 0 wellness.

I work in a High Quality food company, therefor I lose 5 wellness each time I work. I'm fine with that, as I'm paid well, and in the old hospital design I never feared going down to 0 wellness. But now, I have to. This new hospital design was supposed to help the housing and high-quality food industries. But workers are going to end up quitting their jobs in high-quality companies, and are going to go down to the lower quality companies for jobs, killing the production of high-quality companies, and crashing the economy! I don't think that's helpful!

I've always agreed with what the Admins do, but this time, I don't. If you don't like this hospital design, go here, and sign it! Hurry, before we're all 0 wellness citizens!

P.S.If you're wondering why I randomly chose Romania to write this article, you have a high population, I like Romania, and hopefully many of you will see this, and will sign the topic.