What's Really Wrong with the New Feature: You (So STFU)

Day 752, 16:56 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

Every time that the admins attempt to make the game a little bit better I see the entire eCommunity crap their pants. The #1 eUS article does nothing but flame the admins because "HAVE NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER FOR THE OLD PLAYERS WHO HAVE HELPED [them] CREATE THIS GAME, INVESTED SO MUCH OF THEIR TIME AND EFFORT..... NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER!!!" I guess we're all just that immature now. What are you going to do, protest by writing angry articles in the media outlining your frustration? Oh wait.... Yeah, we'll see how effective that is.

The admins are dedicated to giving us, as a whole, the best experience possible (this includes the new players, the thousands of new players the game gains daily). You pricks have got your panties in a bunch because the admins are playing favorites with those of us that have spent literally years dedicated to this game. If you ask me the next thing the admins need to implement is death because some of us truly do need to die of old age already. So what if new players can catch up...first of all where are they going to get the Gold to catch up to most of us anyway? Unless the new players actually buy the Gold to catch up with the stronger players, which is what keeps this game free for the rest of us you butt-fucks, the new players can never actually catch up to us. Second of all it's the new players that keep eRep moving. It's the fresh ideas and perspectives that motivate change. If this game continues to alienate newer players by keeping them down then what's the point?

And this game doesn't have a test server and it's out of beta already, so how else do you want them to test new features? The admins stated in their article that it's only in a week-long trial period, so thanks to vote-whoring eFags they're more than likely going to remove it by next Friday.

Ok that's it, I have stuff to do.