What's going on in the Democratic party?

Day 855, 05:14 Published in Norway Norway by Anders.

Well I have a nice time in here now watching my party, The Democrats, they are growing, just a week ago my party, Demokratene counted 15 members, some days later it had grown to 19. And entering in today we were 21, I like it here now with more democrats coming in almost every day.

Could it be that a democrat is something special, I don’t know, but maybe there is something in the air, some soft breeze of a democratic movement?

What is a democrat? I don’t know, but he or she might be nice peaceful, may be they like what’s going on in the eworld at the moment, just because they are positive. What do I know?

A lot of negative things have happened here in the past, but I think a democrat looks towards the sky and to him and her it turns blue and exiting.

Could it be that more democrats are coming, looking forward to the member list tomorrow.

Now it is tomorrow, and guess what? yes you’re right it has increased to 23.

Now we are a bunch of democrats looking for something to happen, could we make an impact on the way our country should change? Maybe. Do we agree on everything? Certainly not, do we have the same ideas? No not even that. But we can enjoy the game together and back up the democratic movement and shape it the way we like in mutual acceptance and transparency.

Have an exiting democratic walk and see you soon.