What now?

Day 4,871, 00:23 Published in Belgium Poland by Shotan

It has been a long time since I have written something and many things happened to lead what we know now : the return of ATO as the predominant political actor.

This article is not about complaining the current situation but to ask something to all citizens : what now after this mayhem ?

I mean, we had two major parties, ATO and HOPE. ATO remained in power thanks to Director9 who prefered to lead in the shadow (or should I say, in the absolute calm to not be annoyed) until his "retirement".

HOPE seized this opportunity to form a government under OkayOK after it won a election and then ... a beautiful fight between the two larger parties. That was something we didn't have seen since a long time. That was interesting, it showed how parties and their members could be mobilized to defend their program and their PP.

Tired of this mess, ATO decided to push the red button by overthrowing the government with a Coup d'Etat. And then ... the silence.

As some people predicted, HOPE was a large party but with a unstable membership built from large immigration agreement between friends (if we could call like that) then lost half of its member because they returned to their country or joined the new party, Spartacus that becomes United Belgium.

About UB, the new party of the neutrality, the project is not a visible success. Its founder, Vincent Pain moved to North eKorea and the party has less members than TBD. It is not a criticism but an observation.

What now? ATO took the country again and tries to clean what HOPE did wrong according to their economical analysis. Knowing Curlybear, I know eBelgium is in good hands.

And what about me? Nothing special. Just wanted to write something, managing my party and my MU. A normal day in our beautiful country.


President Party of Democratic Socialist Party
Commander of Belgian National Army