What Lies Ahead...

Day 1,007, 07:15 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Hi guys,

My apologies I was unable to attend the meeting and have also been AWOL over the weekend...took some time out after ages!~

I have read the IRC logs and while I must say the discussion was chaotic, the final result was fairly clear.

So...we have decided to reject the Serbian offer of a swap by a fair majority and I believe this pretty much sums up how India has always been. We fight the honorable fight, even if we will end up losing it. I'm not sure it was the smartest decision, but I believe it was the right decision for the simple reason that PHOENIX promised that they would leave India alone and that Serbia would move out of Pakistan once we got Karnataka back and would alow us self governance. This has nto happened and instead there is yet another new demand....which will be followed by yet another demand ...and I think it is good that we refuse to accede to it. I had been in favour of the swap for a while but then I remembered the deal made earlier and that angered me to no extent.

I get arguments that Clueless is honourable and he will rule Serbia with an iron hand (Of these, Clueless is indeed v v honourable but the rest..well times change!)and make sure all remains fair...so I ask Clueless this -> did you not agree to the above ? If this land swap was allowed, what is to stop a new demand coming up next month where it might China you wish to invade and would like to go through us? This never ends and it never will. The very fact that we then get the stick of a PTO threat, shows the honour and THAT is what makes me so angry. Ask MAFIA....they tried to threaten India and me...what did they succeed in doing? just dug their grave with greater certainty. We may be small...but dont threaten us...ever.

So we have the threat and now the consequences...

We have seen how relentless the PHOENIX PTO machine has been in South Asia and Australia/South Africa. This rejection of the offer will make the PTO more frenzied and will be attempted with all sincerity. The pathetic security makes this a forlorn conclusion that bots rule the game.

I do not have time to run the ATO and by rejecting the offer, I believe we have signed our warrant of getting run over. However, remember that this is just a game, and even if we do get PTOed, its not the end of the world. We will go down with honour and will come back someday.

Yes, India is a boring place and needs some action but that is a separate topic by itself. Since so many old players are coming back, it is time we decided to join in some wars and battles and I would say we should risk losing in battles rather than getting PTOed. mabe we just go on and attack Thailand, Malaysia and move further eastwards till we finally get mowed under and taken out. At least it will be some fun and we would have fallen militarily.

We have taken the call...the fallout wont be pretty and I apologise that i just cannot find the time to stave off the PTO anymore. ts very very boring and time consuming and not worth it. After all this is just a virtual game with so many flaws that is the reason india will be lost...not cos we were not good enough.

Hell we fought them long and hard and Im proud of us. No other nation can boast of what India has done, and I salute us all. o7