What kind of brother are we?

Day 1,229, 11:27 Published in USA USA by Mr.NiCro

Croatia or Broatia depending on when you played the game is in deep trouble. They are down to their last region and are loosing. Yet our department of defense is ordering us to fight in Fars?. And the campaign of the day is Castilla, Not putting down our Brazilian friends, but why let an old bro down. I mean it's one region left! Why haven't our orders changed, why haven't government types shouted the battle. What kind of brothers are we, leaving one in the cold. America fight!, and fight hard because this may be the day that will go down in eRep history as the day Croatia lost.

Fight here! If you know what brotherhood is!


Let's not leave a bro behind!

It might be all but over but show a bro some love!