What is Wrong with Australia

Day 847, 08:53 Published in Australia Australia by Jasper Ferguson

Recently Dartreal and the Department of Baby Boom have been working overtime, spending their days working on ways to attract new players to eRepublik. The results have been quite dramatic, which has led to some unintended consequences. Australia is now experiencing more new players a day than it has seen in recent months and because of that, the skill 0 jobs have been only erratically available. Nothing will get a new player to quit faster than creating a character in a country and finding that they can’t even get a job.

Not wanting to see Dartreal’s hard work wasted, I got together with Adam Creed (Minister of Industry) and Venja (Deputy Minister of Finance) during budget discussions to see if we could come up with a practical solution that would minimize costs to Australia and help keep down budget costs. The only land company that the government owned as an iron company and since Australia has only medium iron, this was a very inefficient way to approach the problem, because we need a place for manufacturing workers to get jobs as well. If we continued with the iron company and weapons company approach, we would be spending a large amount of tax dollars to purchase iron on the market to keep the weapons company supplied.

The solution that was arrived at was that it would be far more efficient to operate if we used a diamond and gift companies since we could move the resources from one in sufficient quantities to minimize costs. Once the solution was found, the next hurdle was how the startup money for these companies would be obtained. While the funds could have been obtained in a week or so by normal procedure in the Australian Senate, this would have meant adding 40 gold to the monthly budget, which we were already cutting heavily and would also have resulted in 30 to 40 new players a day finding that the game they just signed up to play had no jobs for them. That would result in 210 to 280 players in a week likely quitting before they had even begun their journey in eRepublik. Since the goal was not to lose any more players than we already had due to the job shortage, we decided to “pass the hat” and collect donations to fund the company privately. Within a few minutes Adam Creedy pledged 20 gold, I pledged 2 gold, Venja pledged 2 gold and Dartreal, in the interest of helping the new players he was attracting, pledged the remaining 16 gold. Schoft, when he was informed of the plan also made a generous donation of diamonds from his own company to help get the gift company started. Since these 2 new companies will only have job offers listed at minimum wage, the operating costs will be minimal in the future. If both companies had an average of 50 new players in them during the month, the government costs would be 3k AUD for the month. New players are the future of the nation, they are the future Senate leaders, party members, military, employees and company owners that will help Australia thrive.

We asked no thanks for this, because it is the right thing for players in a position to help others to do just that. Some Senate leaders however have taken issue with this, because we didn’t follow Senate procedure and have even gone so far as to start an IG investigation into us for being so dastardly as to dare donate companies for the betterment of the country.


In the Senate discussion thread about the companies in question, Xavier Griffith decided to attack the Cabinet for daring to help new players. He stated that it is not the governments job to help new players and suggested that the companies be shut down, the new players fired and if others started the game and quit because they couldn’t find work, then it was just too bad. XG cares more about his precious red tape procedures than the new players and wellbeing of the nation.


Xavier Griffith and others whose only concern is procedure over results have no business being in the government. They should, for the betterment of the nation, resign their Senate position. It is the responsibility of leadership to identify problems and find solutions to them. If the solutions also save the Australian tax payers money in the process, it should not be a criminal act. What was done was in the best interest of Australia and I will not apologize for it