What is "Winning"?

Day 607, 09:25 Published in USA USA by StygianSteel

In my five months in eRepublik, I've never been much of an article writer. Frankly, it's never been the most interesting aspect of this game to me and I've mostly used my paper to keep people informed of my voting record and previously for writing about metal music (which is something I do anyways). Recent events however have inspired me to write this one. While the issue of Congressional seat freezes and primaries may be behind us, at least for the moment, I still feel the need to speak to the issue at the heart of the matter. The question I pose in this article is... what is winning? To some it's a simple answer, but if you ask two different people you may not get the same one so I'd like all to bear that firmly in mind.

Some might tell you that military success is what winning means in this game and especially right now that's a tempting idea to accept. With PEACE charging into our nation and Canada it would be easy to think in only those terms and that the only thing that matters is our victory. This all rings very patriotic and indeed we must face PEACE on the battlefield, but this can also lead to having blinders on and ignoring the rest this game has to offer. This is not a simple military strategy game we play, but a social strategy game.

Protecting this nation should be important to everyone in it, but it is not all we hold to be important. Nor is the military the only aspect of this game that interests people. Perhaps a reminder is in order that this is a game and the point of a game is to have fun. People have fun in this game in various ways and one of them is the political simulation aspect. I've seen a lot of negative comments from some who believe we must put aside party politics or not worry about congressional elections in this time of war. Unity is a beautiful concept, but the systems which have been pushed to establish voting control outside of the game have realistically created more division than unity. In some people's visions of winning this game, they have forgotten others ideas of the same. Winning can mean a number of things and there is no definite goal built into eRepublik. The game does not end, one person or group walks away saying "I won!", and that is that. People build toward personal victories in trying to make this eNation a better place and that may be through game mechanics, economic strength, military might, or things beyond that which speak to an idealized version of the country they want to call home. No being conquered isn't fun, but neither is being in a state of virtual marshall law. Victory in war is important, but there is the cost of victory to keep in mind.

It's worth noting that while many will be quick to point out that real life and it's ideals do not apply in game, this game does not exist in a vaccuum. We are here.... We are in real life as we click our buttons and type our posts and the nations aren't called Gelgamek and Solamnia. People carry strong RL ideas of their countries to this game and it's what gives people, in many cases, the pride and dedication that make them work hard for the nation. Before you discourage RL completely you may want to remember that. To many, this game is a way of making their in game nation succeed based upon this pride for their RL nation. This brings us back to the question of what winning and succeeding means. Well to some this may not be as basic as military might or economic strength. Pretty well no one wants to see their nation wiped off the map or fail economically, but there is more to it than that. Many citizens of this country want this nation to represent the best of what the USA can be. As such they will not stand for watching as the rights of this country such as voting rights are tread upon and the outrage with which many citizens responded to voting systems was very real.

Not only does this go against some people's visions of the nation, but it also strangles a fun aspect of the game which the game itself advertises. This is the idea that anyone can rise up in politics and make a difference for their nation and that people have the right to choose their representation in the free way that the game provides. People want to be able to play the political game and ideas of winning this game to a citizen may indeed be based upon personal or party goals. If this is not the sort of game you wish to play than so be it, but realize that your own idea of winning should not strangle another's idea of winning and concepts built into the game by it's very nature. Seat freezes sought to remove people's ability to choose their nation's leadership and in essence the nation's direction and that is something that many will simply not stand for. Additionally, while primaries seek to still allow for choice in a controlled manner, there are citizens out there who want to simply play the game as it is built. This may mean playing the game as a two clicker or as a simple time waster and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that if that is how you get enjoyment out of the eRepublik experience. Not all would participate in any form of primary that could be created and as such it would not function. Leave control of what the game covers to the game.

Some great things have been done to build up this game beyond the simple mechanics of it with out of site forums, etc, but I ask that you remember to build on to the game and not over it. Many people do not want their gaming experience altered by attempts to remove voting control or other aspects from the game itself and they have let their voices be heard. Remember that in trying to win one aspect of the game you may be making others feel like they are losing. Remember that the citizen may feel they are losing their personal goals, their right to vote in the way the game provides, or even their right to play this game in a more simple manner. No one way of playing this game is right and there is no one way to win. Above all remember the cost of one victory vs the whole picture.

I'm sure this article will have it's naysayers as I have already been flamed for opposing voting systems before and in a way I don't feel like it's Possible to write an article that adequately covers all the many facets of this game, but this is something I simply had to get off my chest. Winning in eRepublik is not something that can be so easily defined and while we must fight against PEACE to keep this nation intact we must also preserve the gaming experience and the fun for all. To me that is what representing the eUSA is all about. Keeping this game fun for the citizens who play.