What is the Government Doing?

Day 419, 20:08 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Information

Some of you might be wondering. Here is a short summary of the issues that the government is currently dealing with:


New Tax Scheme
Currently, a new tax system proposed by Alexander Rearden and approved by finance minister Mesther, is currently being discussed. Taxes on individual industries have already started being proposed and congress passed the tax on foo😛 http://www.erepublik.com/en/Canada/law/2124 the taxes for the remaining industries will be similar to the linked proposal.

Citizen Fee
A new, more efficient way of handing out citizen fees is being discussed. The Canadian government has been losing money from high citizen fees handed out to citizens that quit after a day or so. Therefore, the citizen fee will be lowered substantially (this has already began) and citizens active enough to register at the eCanada forums will receive a citizen fee considerably higher than what it has been in the past.


Health Care
Minister of Social Services, Emilio Sanchez is currently working on a health care system designed to effectively gift both the military and civilian population.

Minimum Wage
Cabinet ministers have agreed that minimum wage set at 2CAD/day is a good value and this will therefore not be changed in the near future.

Citizen Message
Minister of Information and Communication is currently working on updating the message new citizens receive when they first join eRepublik. The message is outdated and has been the same since the Banach administration.

Immigration Programme
Immigration minister Phineas Gage, and others are working to create an Immigration programme that effectively advertises our great nation and will bring more people to it.

Finances and Wages
As Finance minister Mesther urged company owners to lower wages here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/another-call-to-lowering-wages-721274/1 among other articles, the focus of the Ministry of Finance will be strengthening the CAD.

The ministry of Communication will be working on an education programme at the Canadian University on the eCanada forums. This programme will work like a tutorial and is designed to reduce frustration of new citizens who are not comfortable with the game's functions yet.

These are the main issues the eCanadian government is currently working on. Please note that I've excluded some information that must be kept confidential mostly relating to the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs. Anybody who has a question about the government is free to ask it in a comment on this article and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Dominik, Minister of Communication and Information