What is going on in... Ireland

Day 2,822, 13:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue

I've had a chat with Moomoohead the Irish CP, and I asked him some questions. Here is a short report on what is going on in Ireland.

How does it work in Ireland having a different dictator and CP?

Moomoohea😛 'Ireland had an election for dictator and Don Croatia won, I (Moomoohead) finished second. Ireland has an election every three months. Don Croatia does a great job at it. The position is only a 'button pusher' in Ireland but DC is also our Minister of Finance, so he does that too.'

What is the Irish government doing?

Moomoohea😛 'Our main goal is to get Argentina out of Ireland. We started working strongly with the UK and Mexico recently to achieve this. If we have some money left once this is done we will go on a bit of an AS holiday.

Tara has been our 'Minister of Community' for the last several months, and she runs great contests. She had one last month to draw your favourite player and it was pretty funny. Ireland has been blessed with great MoC for a long time.'

What is the activity and community like in Ireland?

Moomoohea😛 'Activity always drops in the summer. Some players are very active, some are very social; some like to just fight with others and some like to two click. We have tried country-wide mass PM's this month. I got every Irish citizen as a friend and am trying to communicate that way instead of articles.'

Anything else to add?

Moomoohea😛 'I hope Ireland will be bigger. Our community has been shrinking for a long time. We only have about 100 players left. Party politics has died down and we all seem to work together much better then the old days.

This is my third time as CP of Ireland. The first two times we were at war with the UK. It is great to be working together nowdays. I have been a proponent of that for a while. Let's hope we maintain a good relationship. Aaron Mark Daniels (UK CP) is really active and great to work with this month... If the UK population ever kick him out of the UK, he is welcome in Ireland.'

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