What is going on?

Day 665, 12:44 Published in Malaysia Canada by Ryan Southcombe

Has anybody else realized how many freaking political parties there are now in FROSEA?

This is getting a little crazy it cost 40 gold to create a party. What, is everybody saving there money and creating political parties now.
Hell i think we should all save up and create a party.
we will have 1001 parties (at the moment yeah!!!), yep and each one of us will be able to be party leaders or run for congress.
Come on people having 15 parties isn't that a little much. Now i know not everybody can be little social butterflies and run around talking to everybody so they must create there own party in hope of getting elected something. but at some point people should go.

Person talking to them self; Hey i want to create a party.
Holy #@#$ theres already 15 parties
Nevermind i think i'll just spoil myself in expensive food or weapons
or maybe even buy an expensive house
or maybe i'll create a business which is always fun

Give me a break people. Yes i know it's your money and you can waste it anyway you want.
I just felt i needed to say something
or scream it either way it must be said
Do you know how much gold that is?
that's 600 gold that has been taken out of our economy
600 gold that has been given back to the admins.
There used to be 4 parties and there was a time when that was a little crazy.

I'll end this article with the party names;
They are as follows;

1) FUP everybody knows
2) DAP everybody knows
3) Democratic peoples republik party
4) Laissez-faire party
5) united thailand party
6) Democratic party of estonia? sorry for my poor geography is estonia even in malaysia?
(wait no it's a country)

7) Who wants this party? Yes i know there is no question mark on the party name but i'm
pretty sure that it is a question (seriously who came up with that name)

(hold on i'm not done)

😎 Mathai military party
9) Thai union party
10) Strong independent malaysia
11) thai sabai reform party
12) The Malaysian National party
13) United Peoples party
14) Djozikeist Church of Malasia (I had to write that down to remember how to spell it)
15) Malaysian Nationalist Front

#13 and 9 sound pretty similar
#15 and 12 sound pretty similar

Again Spend your money how you want i just wanted to make a point.
but do you know how many parties Canada has?
and they have 4X the amount of people

How about Hungary
and they are 16x the size of us

Tell me i'm wrong now.( yes i am aware some of you are going to say i'm wrong lol)
OK i'm wrong lol
First there are only 9 parties in FROSEA some from Thailand and Some that were created
here and some of them are dead parties
but still 9 is alot and i still don't think anymore should be created.
(maybe i should get my facts straight first)

PS. Who wants this party is still a bad name.