What is Glove? Baby Don't Hurt Me No More

Day 1,689, 00:11 Published in USA USA by Civil Anarchy
While Glove is quick to capitalize on a political point, do his articles really show his feelings about an issue? Or does he just say whatever will be the most popular thing?

Glove should be proud about the new alliance, it seems strikingly similar to his own idea of what would happen if Terra had dissolved, something he also advocated for;

Mood Music

Greetings America,
As you should well know, tomorrow marks the occasion where we decide who will be the next President for the following 30 days. We have the choice between Evry and Glove, both candidates presenting completely different versions of the country than their opponent. Evry has put in the work month after month, without the glamour, and without the thanks. Evry has proven she doesn’t need the spotlight to be motivated to do the right thing.

However, this isn’t an article talking about Evry’s merits, if you want those articles, check out the one’s posted by Alexander Auctoritas and Cromstar. This article is dedicated to my personal opinion of what Glove’s integrity as a politician truly consists of, and shine a light on what’s been ignored for far too long.

For reference,
I was offered positions in both cabinets this month. I accepted only one, due to the fact I cannot, in good conscience, accept a position with a person I so vehemently disagree with.

Now, it’s no secret that I’ve been Anti-Glove during this election. A lot of people have thrown out accusations towards this sentiment, saying that I’m simply trying to perpetuate my position, or that I’m an elitist, or a ‘Pfeiffist,’ and therefore, my criticisms of Glove’s past administrative capabilities are somehow invalidated by these manipulative ad hominems. An Ad Hominem argument is a referred to as a logical fallacy for that very reason, the fact that they obscure the facts, and allow people to skirt around logic to suit their own purposes. I have no intention to do that. The entirety of my evidence will come from publicly available knowledge, and my personal experience, as Glove’s own Secretary of the Interior.

I’ve heard it stated that if America needs to move past the trials and tribulations, then the next President needs to exhibit the qualities of an extraordinary statesmen, someone who will treat every situation with the professionalism it requires, and deal with diplomatic issues with tact, and aptitude. While Glove might look official in his articles, his actions as a President, and as a statesmen, tell an entirely different story. Glove has a complete lack of professionalism in a position of power. This is a fact that has been supported by both his terms as President of the United States, and the evidence is publicly available to anyone who would like to see it.

Just to show a few examples of how ‘Professional’ Glove is in a position of leadership:
*The following images come from June 5th to July 5th, 2011, during Glove’s Second Presidential Term*

And if you think I’m cherry picking, I’m not. Glove posted about 13 times total in his PDB, so those three instances are about 20% of his total participation with his own cabinet. In addition to this, Glove’s term was rife with internal problems that he failed to deal with, or outright ignored. Take for example, any of the following posts, which were all unanswered by the sitting president Glove:

When faced with inactivity?


A missing loan made to another country?


A paralyzed Department of Interior?


Glove has no problem making a stand on something when he’s out of power, but when it comes to actually making the right decision or even minimally dealing with an issue when he’s actually in power, he shows his true colors. Glove repeatedly avoided that nation’s problems day after day, at the expense of our people, and at the expense of our blood and sweat. He refused to take decisive on any issue, fix any department, or even put up a fight against the ONE invaders. The PDB is full of lackluster, “Go win everywhere”s and “I fully expected to lose Cali earlier lol”’s instead of commands to fight, evacuation plans, citizen programs, or anything whatsoever. As Secretary of the Interior, I was the person in charge of running the evacuation. It took me two days to even contact Glove about where to evacuate people, and when I was finally able to, he gave me the wrong state. We were losing regions by the day, and Glove couldn’t even be bothered to respond in his own PDB about where to send occupied American Citizens to safety. He cared that little about the integrity of our society, and of our community, to take more than a moment out of his day to give them a place to go. And when I finally tracked him down to ask where to evacuate people to, he couldn’t have been bothered to ask our military staff the best location. He just said, “California,” even though our military staff was fully aware that region was going to be under attack from Indonesia within 2 days of that order. Glove’s inactivity and incompetence as President took away any chance of every fighting against ONE.

The other day, I sent out a few PMs to the people that were still around from Glove’s Presidency. It seems I’m not the only former Cabinet member that shares the sentiment about Glove’s administrative capabilities.

Deputy Secretary of Defense, Armandez: There was definitely a point in his history where he had the capabilities of President, but he began to have issues with not taking anything at all seriously. When he came back to the game after being banned, his attitude of not caring has gotten a million times worse and it seems as though the qualities that made him effective in the past have largely disappeared, including his intelligence and drive. In my opinion, glove is no longer love.

Vice President, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Education, Blank Keating: He was pretty bad or lazy, his cabinet was bad and he left the government in disarray. That's all I really remember.

Secretary of Defense, Avruch: I was Glove's National Security Advisor in one term, and Secretary of Defense in another, and I say vote for Evry.

Deputy Secretary of Defense, Alexander Auctoritas: We were in the middle of having our butts handed to us by ONE. I came on as a deputy and the overall tone was grim. Glove poked the cabinet for answers but we all echoed his defeat. We waited for the inevitable.

The majority of the surviving Glove Cabinet echos the sentiment about Glove’s administrative capacity.

However, I still haven’t gotten to what I consider the worst part of what Glove did as President. I previously mentioned his lack of professionalism as a leader, and I have the perfect example of how that can hurt everyone in this country, and how Glove truly fails as an administrator.

It was early July. I was serving as the Secretary of Interior as ONE swept across the nation. States began to fall, and with them, innocent Americans became trapped behind enemy lines. Acting in my capacity of SoI, I enacted an evacuation plan, to bring our people back into safe states, and support our ability to resist the invasion from the frontlines. After looking for Glove for two days, I was finally able to secure permission and an official state; California, straight from Glove himself. I took the money out of the DoI organization, and mass message every active American citizen outside of California, and distribute moving tickets to those that could not afford to make it back to the states. At the time, the list of citizens that I needed to message numbered at about ~3000 people, all of which had to be done manually. The entire project took me a total 6 hours, split up between two parts. The reason that the evacuation process was split into two parts wasn’t because I didn’t have the time on the first day to complete the process, but because of something that I still consider to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever had to deal with in my eLife. I was fired in the middle of the evacuation process. Or so I thought.

Apparently, Glove was bored on one of the days he was actually around in #whitehouse. So instead of dealing with any of the issues regarding the invasion, or the evacuation, he decided to have a little fun. So he let his former Chief of Staff, Justin McCravok (under the pseudonym Princess Annie), into #whitehouse, gave him PDB access, and let him have a little bit of ‘fun.’ Why is this so bad, you ask? If you didn’t know JMC’s history, you wouldn’t see a problem with a former CoS having access in the PDB, right?

JMC was a well known troll during his CoS term, but he got significantly worse afterwards, eventually culminating in his hijacking of the White House Press Report, and posting a picture of male genitalia, as his version of, ‘having fun.’ So considering this gross misuse of power, Glove decided it would be fun to give him access to the entire PDB, and the backroom channels where we helped coordinate our defense against the Invasion. Professional right?

So I was accused of being lazy, and fired, directly after spending 4 hours of my day messaging American citizens, trying to go the right thing, as was my job. Here’s the post for your reference. I cannot recall being more angry in my entire eLife after receiving this news, and going into #whitehouse, only to be confronted and banned by JMC. So, the evacuation stopped. I was dumbfounded, and had no idea what I was supposed to do from that point on. Then, I recieved a message later that night, from Glove himself, explaining why I had been fake fired, and that I actually still had my job after all.

05:01:30: jmc is just for trollolol tonight
05:01:44: its been a very boring day
05:01:51: and losing everywhere doesnt help
05:01:56: i need some laughs ;3
05:02:08: my apologies if you took it seriously

I stayed on as Secretary of the Interior. The next day, I completed the evacuation process, only to be told that I had to do it again, and move people to Washington instead, because Glove hadn’t taken the effort to actually check his answer.

So to the people who call Glove a statesman, a leader, a visionary, a revolutionary, all I can ask is, are we talking about the same person?
As one of the only people still around that actually knew Glove personally as a President, I can attest to the fact the he is not the right choice for America.
We’ve all been told at least once in our lives that talk is cheap, and actions speak louder than words. Glove might write sensationalist papers, and rail against an administration at every step that it makes, but when he’s in the seat himself, he does nothing, and performed at arguably the worst level of any of our modern CPs. Glove is arguably the worst President that we’ve had in a long time. He’s someone that talks a lot but does very little.

From the first day of this campaign, I have contended that the best argument against Glove is himself. His PDB - http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/board,92.0.html , his work ethic, and his true nature are shown by his actions as President, not his words. Don’t be fooled, America. Look at the facts for yourself and see if my account is wrong. Actions speak volumes about a person, so go look at Glove’s. It will inform you of his character far more than I ever could.

So I ask you, America, who do you prefer as President?
The guy who talks a big game, but fails miserably when he’s actually in the office?
Or someone who lets their work speak for itself. Someone who has spent months in quiet labor, without the limelight, without the fame, and without the publicity, simply to make our country a better place? A person who speaks softly, but carries a big stick. A President who puts quality before pride, who puts the country before themselves, who supports a future with motivation and hard work, not empty sensationalism?

I urge you America, vote for Evry.
It’s leadership that’s been proven, and motivation that has lasted through the ages of eRepublik. Don’t be fooled by sensationalism, fight it. Stand with motivation and perseverance. Stand with leadership that gives 100% of it’s ability 100% of the time.
Stand with Evry!