What Is Communist Party And Why Do We Need It?

Day 876, 17:38 Published in Russia Russia by CPSU_Official

Vote official communist candidate – Alerus


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If hearing about Communist Party you get associations concerning repressions, GULAG and famine, you do not know, what CPSU is.
Just due to the the simple fact, that all these things are impossible in eRepublik.
It is impossible to shoot or force anybody here.
The only thing possible here is to convince somebody, and there are things to be convinced about.

Through the one and a half centuries communism has cumulated rich experience in both theory and practice; and only a fool would narrow down that experience to propaganda and deception. No lie would exist for such a long time.
And CPSU has taken the best and the most useful for people parts from that experience.

That is the reason why it is the only Russian party that is slowly, yet consistently, moving forward, earning preferences and respect of the people.

http://i41.tinypic.com/5b5u84.jpg" width="500">

CPSU is proud of its communist ideology and has no intention of altering it.
This has huge sense in practice: people brainwashed by RL anticommunist propaganda do not join CPSU. Every thinking person understands that life is not divided into black and white, and that any theory that has withstood the test by time has some essential for humanity experience.

http://i39.tinypic.com/34pi91d.jpg" width="500">
CPSU is a party of thinking people

In RL communism has always been and remains a theory about the battle of working people against capitalist exploiters.
In eRepublik it supports the interests of the workers. And they are the majority.

Despite the seemingly available to every citizen opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur it is the same kind of lie as becoming a millionaire IRL.

In eRepublik, every company must employ from 10 to 20 people for maximum labor efficiency. This means that every for every entrepreneur there must exist 10 workers. Usually successful entrepreneurs have more than one company, for them to be able to close and open companies depending on the market environment. Therefore, no more than several percent of population can be successful entrepreneurs in eRepublik.

Take a look at the statistics: there are twice as many companies on eRepublik as there are workers, meaning that 20 000 workers had been denying themselves every necessary, had been saving up gold, opened a company and... went bankrupt.

It is alright if they became good workers and soldiers.
It is bad, if they left the game. Their leave is the price we all paid for the capitalist lie about equal opportunities.

Only communism can offer the sole sensible way of organizing the production: the absence of private property and cooperative work without exploitation and profit.

http://i42.tinypic.com/2vs52qe.jpg" width="500">
CPSU is a party of working people

An opinion exists that "losers" try to compensate their failures in RL through Internet browser game.
And nobody understands, why communists play in concert without trying to earn money and medals, or significant seats.

The puzzle is easily solve😛 no "losers" come to CPSU. There is simply no space for them in CPSU.
A spirit of comradeship and helpfulness, eagerness to sacrifice personal interests in favor of community's ones reign in CPSU.

Communists need no virtual rubles, gold, medals or seats: they have those in RL.

http://i44.tinypic.com/i777u1.jpg" width="500">
CPSU is a party of successful people

And finally, about democracy.
Many cannot grasp why communists are so unanimous.
Considering all communists bots is complete nonsense; suspecting mass blackmail of hypnosis is complete absurdity.

The secret is very simple: CPSU practices real democracy.
Every single person can express their opinion (that does not contradict the Manifesto), and it will be closely and friendly considered.
If the opinion is useful and well-founded, it will be accepted.
If there are several opinions, the debate will go on until a decision is worked out.
But! When the decision has already been made, the principle of centralized democracy, when all members of a party must support the decision independently from personal opinion, comes into action.

And it is the legitimate: discussions are appropriate in the trainings. When the team is out in the field, it has to function as a single mechanism to achieve victory.

http://i44.tinypic.com/ws6x51.jpg" width="500">
CPSU is a real team


Learn about the alternative to bourgeois government [RUS]


Read the CPSU Manifesto [RUS/ENG]

Apply to RKKA, CPSU military detachments

Join Komsomol, CPSU project for the youth