What in the world?

Day 544, 11:11 Published in Romania India by Pheenic

Romania quit ATLANTIS? Is that possible? It has to be, because they did. But how can that happen? Also, they lost there two most valuable regions. What in the world is happening to them?

We can take this news in three ways.

1.No. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening. We're all doomed. I can't survive without them. I need them. I desperately need them. They need to come back before it's too late!

2.So what? Who needs them? We've still got other countries standing. Just because Romania was the most powerful country in ATLANTIS and was one of the reasons ATLANTIS did so well and...Oh, who am I kidding. We're all doomed.

3.How does this affect me? Why do I care? I don't. Romania never did anything for me. Oh wait, they were going to help us fight our enemy who is planning to take control of us. Okay, I care now.

See, everyone wants you back in power! Keep on marching, Romania!