What if i'm elected as President? (If...)

Day 680, 03:46 Published in Japan Japan by Ciacho
eRepublik, Second reality, but still a game.

This is still a game. We shouldn't think about it as something much more. This "thing" does something weird with people. In real i don't care about my country. I just live... But here... I had some patriotic rushes. Since first day i feald bonded like to my fatherland... which is made of code lines. It's something like role playing... But in hte other hand it isn't. It's a new type of game. It's eRep! This is the first part of great speech. It would be too long and boring to post it in one part. Enjoy
So... eJapan is something more than another point in rankings or anything like that. It's a little reality. WE made it! Forums, Newspapers and our whole glorious community. And still we're trying to make our bunch of code lines better than others and we are having fun by doing so. That's the main aspec of game. Fun and LOL'age! Anyway. This is my first attemp for President Seat. And realy... If you expect this article serious as hell... Just don't count on it.


Well... It's not my best side. Maybe because i just never cared about it. That's not good for a president, but we have a cabinet! They're here to help president! Oh wait... Maybe i'll just sit down and think for a second. Oh YES! IDEA!
a) Creating Q5 Hospital Company in Japan.
I've been thinking about it earlier. Gov runned company might be nice but... I've gathered some investors from eJapan. Maybe in one day we'll do that. Hospital company for our country should be proffitable. We would be able to sell Hospitas (Profits!) and certain part of eWorld will pay attention to Nihon.
b) Minor improvements.
Yes... Some minor improvements such as taxes or things like that. OFC it may depend on incoming Economical Module (hahahah Good joke. Maybe for a year or two).
c) Use a Congressional Committee which would supervise economical reform.

Military ( BANZAI!)
JIA is the most important thing in the times of war... And we never know when some psycho will come and try to beat us. Example? Egg McMuffinland owners aka' Theocrats. First thing we should do is to get rid of them as fast as we can. Of course it's not a matter of days. Maybe even months. Anyway, we lost one or two battles bacause of bad organization of weapon distribution. We're still in PEACE... And still inactive. Japan is seen as weak contry. Useful only to invade countries near it. Should we do somehting with that? Being Neutral has some benefits... However. It's not a job for one person. Army is big and needs leaders.
Hmm... oh! Creating JIA Logo! There're alredy very nice proposals. Just look at them on our forums.

Foreign Affairs
Keeping our contacts well in EVERY contry is important. In any case of wars in Japan we will not Surrender. Pushing Egg McMuffinland is not a idea of one person. All of you want that. And for sure, native eSk wants that most. As i can see my Foreign Affairs ideology is similar to the Reiji's Righteous Nation Philosophy Now... I have no other ideas.


Congress is an important part of country. President can't do anything without it and they can just kick presiden's butt by impeaching him. I think i'll better keep good contacts with every congress member. 😛 Every congress man is almost like a president. He is an representant of his country.

Second part

Here it is.