What has become of America?

Day 1,498, 16:49 Published in USA USA by Dru Blood

Pfeiffer addressing the ‘Sock Puppet Horde’ during last nights victory party

We have become a society which tolerates antisocial leaders with no morals, where PTOs -once a rarity- are common place and used against other American parties. Where buying votes to get elected to Congress is no longer frowned upon it is in fact the only way to get into Congress. Today America is led by a citizen who everybody agrees is a Richard Cranium, who freely admits to it while thumbing his nose at America. What has become of American morality? When did it become acceptable to use the Political Takeover (PTO) against other American Parties? When did it become acceptable to buy your way into Congress? Once again the United States Workers Party (USWP) and it’s leaders, using the sock puppet horde has used both methods to retain their personal power and claim a marjority in Congress, the shouts and PMs coming form USWP members willing to buy votes far out numbering those of other party members. The Leader of the USWP having by far more Congressional influence than any other citizen, who owns or has influence over two of the most powerful military units in America. A leader who refuses to provide the accountability he once demanded from and agitated with as a rallying cry to cause a split in the American military. America needs to wake up and smell the Folgers and realize that while he points to Pizza the Hut, accusing him of being an Enemy of the State, it is actually the Leader of the USWP with 28 Congressional seats who is far more powerful and far more dangerous.

The banner of the new and growing national grassroots movement

I am always ranting and raving like a lunatic about supporting America, about putting America's needs ahead of your own personal gain or glory. So just what do I mean by supporting America, well, I mean as an American citizen you support the causes that you feel will make America a better place to work, purchase products and fight to protect your Homeland. You can make your leaders accountable to it’s citizens through your Congressperson. Then if you get lucky enough -or buy enough votes- to get elected to Congress, you represent your constituents and not rubber stamp the Government. You join a political party and work to help that party get members elected to Congress and then you express your concerns to them, ask questions; tell them how you feel about the state of America. Demand leaders who are not antisocial in the styles of Emerick and Pfeiffer, citizens with no morality; citizens who buy votes and use Political Takeovers to keep rival parties in turmoil. Leaders who do not embarrass America by raging at our allies in a command headquarters. America needs leaders like Eugene Harlot or Gaius Julius who put America first while using our military might to aid our friends and allies in remaining free from oppression and bringing America to the brink of World Leadership.

American Patriot somewhere on the Frontier

In the 48th Congress a discussion took place concerning America’s tax system and what you could do is PM your Congressperson and ask them to support America going to a form of the Canadian Tax System. Congress was discussing going to a similar system of taxation, wherein America benefits from AdminBOT paying Value Added Tax (VAT) on the food and weapons it purchases from the market each hour. Also when the military purchases food and weapons paying the VAT on the purchase price; those taxes are returned to America. Now it would seem to make perfect sense and so I supported moving to a system based on the Canadian system. How could anyone be against America receiving free money every hour on the hour 24/7, especially when it comes from the food and weapons dumped on our market -due to low Import Taxes and no Trade Embargoes- by our enemies. However, The Chancellor and Lord Protector of the Realm and Party President of the United States Workers Party (USWP) has made it clear that the system is stupid, it is too much work and what we have now taxes new citizens into oblivion or into a commune; either way it benefits the Government. Prove it to yourself, write you Congressperson or better yet write Henry Arundel himself and say, ‘Please, explain the Canadian Tax System to me.’ and ‘Why are you against collecting free money through AdminBOT paying VAT?’ All very simple and easy really, but my bet is you will be surprised at the answer; if any answer is forthcoming.

Our fighting citizen soldiers in Europe

Another of the major issues in the 48th Congress was Military Accountability, are our citizen soldiers in the field getting what they need to fight daily. Stanley Ibcus asked the question, ‘Where is all the money being spent?’, to which I added my voice; which was quickly supported by others. I would naturally assume that the biggest purchases are for a) Raw Materials (FRM & WRM) b) weapons and c) food to supply our soldiers; purchased I hope from American companies which would return the VAT to America along with any profits to the company owners. Now food and weapons are produced by USAF soldiers at communes almost free, the actual cost being the cost of RM and 1 USD labor to communing soldier. Commune products are then donated to the military, however since such production is far out strapped by the needs of the military purchases of food and weapons are made; again I would hope from companies owned by American citizens and the amount per weapon above the VAT is deposited in that citizens account as pure profit. At this point I would have several questions. How much is produced by military communes? Does the military purchase only from American companies or do we buy cheap product even if it comes from an enemy country? From which American owned companies does the Government purchase product? Now I am only guessing, but I would bet the answers to those questions will be consider a breach of Operational Security and will remain unanswered. The Leader of the USWP and majority influence in Congress has made it very plain that Congress will never be given those numbers.

Once again this is only my opinion and I remain just a grunt in a foxhole....