What happened in the eUSA the last few days [Updated]

Day 2,018, 10:30 Published in USA Netherlands by Marnix Maximus

5 days ago the eUSA declared eSerbia as Natural Enemy. A day later the eUSA invaded Aquitaine. The Serbs would have been pushed back to their homeland.

But the invasion failed, because the battle was not a priority of CoT. eUSA lost the war in Aquitaine.

The next day eSerbia even invaded eUSA in North Carolina, again the eUSA lost the battle and a region in their homeland. But this time the forces of eUSA and allies we’re not fighting in this battle, because eRomania had an Airstrike on mexican territory to open a second front against eUSA. The Airstrike of eRomania was failed and a second front was prevented, but it costed a region of the eUSA.

(If the eRomanian Airstrike was succeeded, they could taken one of this ways to invade the eUSA)

Some hours after eSerbia had captured North Carolina they started a battle in Georgia. And again the forces of the eUSA and allies we’re not fighting for this battle. Now they we’re helping eRussia with their war against Hungary in Volga Vyatka. The war between eRussia and eHungary is not going well for eRussia. They are being pushed back by eHungary, but eHungary will not defeat eRussia that simple.

(The route that the eHungarian forces have taken)

eRussia and their allies won a epic battle in Volga Vyatka. It now up to eRussia to decide where and when to attack. You can find more information in this article

Sometime after eRussia won there was started an resistance war in North Carolina. eUSA won this battle. This can be the first step to push the serbs back. eUSA didn’t this alone. Their where many RW’s organized in the balkan. Some of them could cut off some of their resources, for example Apulia that will cut off their oil, saltpeter and rubber. Their bonus on weaponproduction will be lowered with 60% if this RW will succeed.

(What eSerbia will lose when the RW in Apulia will succeed)

Stay prepared to push those serbs back.