What effect did a tax cut have on weapon prices?

Day 1,562, 18:10 Published in Australia China by deadaccount

9 days ago the VAT for food and weapons was cut from 15% to 10%. What effect did that have on the market prices? I looked at the weapon price data from the eAustralian Bureau of Statistics and came up with this graph:

Some things to note:
- The times are all Sydney time, not eRep time.
- The red box is roughly where the tax cut occured.
- This is the pre-tax price, tax is added on top of this price.

It is interesting to note that the tax cut seems to have had no effect on the profit margin for suppliers, as the pre-tax price seems to have been relatively unchanged following the tax cut. Supply and demand seems to have a far greater effect on profit margins than government taxation. Raw materials also remain untaxed by the government.

It could therefore be argued that the taxation cut was a win for consumers as it delivered an immediate price reduction. This, of course, would require more analysis including information from the job market, something that I think is better to leave to the infinitely more capable Paul J Keating.

The current crash in prices is supposedly due to the admins switching their market bot off.