What do you know about Mr Andrews!

Day 1,648, 17:10 Published in USA Canada by Code-Y

Hello there world! Today I come to you with the First Ever interview of the famous banker! The one and only eRepublik Tycoon, the youngest millionaire in the game that hasn't bought gold! Who is this insane man and what's he do? Mr Andrews born only a few months ago in game is an eRepublik Banker with a crazy past, he has over 150 investors with money in his bank and over 1 MILLION dollars in that bad boy! Wanna know more? Continue reading!

Question #1. It's a well known fact you own the most prestegious bank in eRepublik. It's also a well known fact that you're probably one of the most richest erepers in the game! What many people are wondering tho, is how do you do it? What would you say your secret to success is?

Customer Service. I pride myself on being professional and trustworthy. Advertising is also a must. I write 2-3 articles a week to get my name out there.

Question #2. Currently, what are your goals for the bank & how do you feel that it could be improved in the future?

I'm eliminating Serial Bonds and getting ready to launch a new product. I've test marketed it with my employees for the past week and it looks quite promising. Some investors have already doubled their money.

Question #3. What's your erepublik life like? When you come on in the morning, how many messages and notifcations do you usually have?

It consists of working my eRep job, working my land. Then I pay out my matured CDs, then Serial Bonds. Then I pay out my employees, who I pay under the table. After that I start answering my messages. I get about 15 a day during the week. Then I get about 30 on the weekends.

Question #4. What's the stupidest thing that has happend to you so far in eRepublik!

Paying someone for tanks before I received them. My policy now is you pay me first. I've developed a trustworthy reputation, and if you can't trust me, then you're most likely scamming me.

Question #5. Tell us some information about you in real life, Age? Profession? School? Married? Kids? Real-Life Country? Etc.

RL I'm 29 and an adoptions social worker. I've adopted 3 kids, had 3 biological kids of my own and one more on the way. I invest money on the side in RL also, I have a few apartment complexes and also buy junk silver. Plan is to have enough money to retire in 5 years.

Question #6. Who would you consider a mentor, someone you look up to or you'd like to be in real life?

Donald Trump. Like to have 10% of what he has.

Question #7. Where do you see yourself next year?

Owning 10 more Q6 companies, would be more if it weren't for the 10 gold rule, I'd have 5 more Q6 companies right now if it wasn't for that rule.

Question #8. What plans do you have for global expansion? Possibly so that people across the world can see your bank and get a chance to invest!

I have about 25 foreign investors in my bank, looking to start advertising more in foreign countries to double that number. With the new Universal Currency it's opened up my banking to so many new people. I also employee immigrant workers in my factories, they have bad salaries overseas so I give them a nice salary of 275 a day. I save myself 25 bucks and they make a whole heck of a lot more than they would in their country

Question #9. How did you come up with the amazing idea for a bank in eRepublik?

I'm actually an older player... a 2-clicker from two years ago. I lost about 40 gold to one of the banks of the past and quit. I came back a year ago and in October of 2011 decided to reinvent banking in eRepublik. Basically, I have no loans and everyone asks how do you make money? Actually, it's quite simple, I've incorporated myself. I invest in my own land and companies and continue to expand. I make money also with my companies by paying people under the table. I buy and sell products from other countries and sell them on our market. Right now it's actually hard to do that since we have the lowest prices. I buy and sell on the black market to other players to countries who have outrageous prices, and the list goes on.

Question #10. If you could let the viewers of this article know 1 thing about you, what would it be?

This is not a scam. Most know this who have invested. I have over 140 open accounts right now and over 3 million invested. I opened up on day 1469 and have not yet even come close to slowing down. I obviously do not have 3 million cash on hand, but have plenty of companies I can liquidate if there was a mass exodus. I'm trustworthy and will continue to come up with new ways to make eCitizens Bank a success.

You heard it here first folks! Mr Andrews, a prodigy. Invest in him while you can, because this guy's gonna be running the world soon enough.

Click here for more information on his bank!