What DO We Want?

Day 810, 11:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Northeast of Ireland, IRELAND - Everyday I have read in newspaper articles and on forum both in the general discussion and in the Dail that Ireland needs to choose a side in the great EDEN/Phoenix debate. Our citizens can not grow and advance if we do not fight or we need to have fun. We should take Northern Ireland back from the United Kingdom because it belongs to Ireland is another commonly stated reason.

Well the only reasons I have seen so far are empty excuses. Well maybe saying we need to have fun is not. Our citizens can advance without joining either EDEN or Phoenix. We have war games held daily with Malaysia. You can gain experience and rank just the same with a war game as with a real war. The argument about Northern Ireland so far has been a Real Life argument. No statistics showing how it will help our economy or that it will improve our standing in any way. Only we should have it back because we should have it back.

Now I also think Ireland should join some sort of alliance. The people who say it will be fun are right in my opinion. I lean towards joining the Entente or creating a new alliance with the neutral, small nations left in Europe and the rest of the world. That is just my opinion.

What I would like to see is an honest debate about what Ireland should do. Use logic and facts to support your position. Show how Ireland would benefit or be harmed by one alliance or the other, not just "because it would". I have my own opinions but logic and a reasonable argument can change them. I am not so rigid in my thinking that I can not see a good thing when it is shown to me.

There is some risk involved in this course of action for Ireland. It is a great risk. Look at what is happening to the UK at this moment. Look at France. For someone to say it can not happen to Ireland is a foolish thing to say. Anyone who makes light of someone else who is worried about this is putting down someone who cares about Ireland. Make your arguments but do not put down others. It takes away from your position and makes you look like a fool.

Like I said. Stop the name calling. Start using logic and reason to improve the foreign policy of Ireland and help make this country as great as we all know it to be.


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