What can make eIndia top in eWorld (FUN)

Day 1,339, 07:38 Published in India India by gcttirth

As we know, our eIndia is not in top of eWorld, but that's not because we have less population. That's not because we don't have good fighters, that's not because we ___ (Enter your reasons here)

Now the question is, what can make our eIndia bloom in eWorld? Here are some points to be noted...

1) Films
-- Indian cinema is NO. 1 in cinema industry. This thing can make eIndia top in economical prospective.

2) Anything related to Cricket
-- We can get Baby Boom with this. Rather than typing "eIndia is losing a war", we can type "eIndia is losing a cricket match", we can simply get 100000000x boost...

3) Historical places
-- Historical places are earning India huge foreign money, so having ePlaces here can help us grow. Apart from the point that whole country should not be a historical place. 😑

4) Last thing :
-- Articles like mine that are wrote just for a goal of putting smile to all eCitizens ! 🙂