What are you doing, Romania?

Day 1,160, 11:55 Published in Spain Spain by GermanAtleta

I read in some articles that Spain and Romania had many problems each other.
I know that Romania helped Brazil in South America to liberate Guayana and Venezuelan Andean.

Spain signed Mpp with Hungary and asked Romania to sign peace. Romania got angry, very angry and began to attack against Spain in Battles of South America.

Nowadays, Spain is considered a traitor and is about to leave or to be expelled from EDEN.

Romania thinks that Eden is EDEN without Poland and Spain. Two of the strongest countries of Eden.
Poland has already left Eden and Romania want that Spain do it too.

Many comments in a new article say:

"Loland is waiting! Don't make him angry! Get out of EDEN quickly"`

"can i tell you a little secret? I heard that France is going to take Spain's place in Eden. But shhhhhhh you didn;t hear that from me!"

"You signed an MPP with Huns instead of us, now we can see the results:

NEWS :: Castilla La Mancha was conquered by France in the war versus Spain"

Do you really think that France can compare with Spain? I'm not sure, dude.

"So when are you going to leave EDEN?"

Romania hates Spain but, Is that the best future to Eden that a military power like Spain or Poland leaves Eden or Romania and other members of Eden is going with the flow?


Is Spain really the traitor of Eden or is Rumania?

Rumanians don't know what they are doing

I think that the answers are different to spaniards and to rumanians but I think that Rumanians have exaggerated the situation, Eden is finished and we will have new alliances in a few days. Changes are sometimes good but not for all.

Sorry from Spain about the misunderstanding

Hail from Spain!

Vote, please.

P😛 Sorry about my bad english.