What's been happening recently?

Day 1,169, 13:11 Published in USA USA by Jelly9473

It's been 9 days since I wrote my last article...which is very surprising to me. I normally try to write one everyone 2-3 days, heck I used to write one every day but RL has taken over recently and there are so many good writers in eUS what I'd like to write about has normally already been reported by the time I make it to my computer 😛

Anyway, there's a lot of stuff going on. From alliances shifting, to movements in South America, Asia, Europe to the US losing many of its holdings and then to presidential campaigns. eLife is busy!

I'll discuss today the RW's that happened in eUS, Philippines-Colombia-Mexico, Poland and then give a little insight into my thoughts on the presidential election in eUS.

The Resistance Wars that devastated eUS

For a few months it seemed eUS had the entire world in our hands. Our conquests were for the most part all successful and we were gaining territory rapidly...maybe too rapidly.

In the past few days eUS had to deal with a number of resistance wars throughout its foreign holdings, all aiming at cutting off the eUS from resources and important foreign bases.

For the most part these Resistance wars were VERY successful for our enemies. eUS no longer holds Chubu (Our only Deer), Southeast of Mexico (Our only Rubber), Sistan and Baluchistan and Tibet.

Without Chubu or Southeast of Mexico we no longer contain all of our resources and instead of a 25% bonus for both weapons and food we now only receive a 20% bonus. The 5% may not in reality seem all too damaging but over time the loss of production will add up.

Losing Sistan and Baluchistan has also kicked us out of our war with Iran, we are no longer their natural enemies because we don't have a border with them at all. Not having Iran as our natural enemy now gets rid of the .5 str bonus we'd all be receiving had we held the region down. Again, not a HUGE deal but over time, that .5 str would slowly add up.

Losing Tibet was another major loss. It was our foothold in Asia and a stronghold at that as well.

The only foreign regions eUS now holds are Chongqing, Baja, Gulf of Mexico and Southeast of Ireland.

Losing all of these regions were devastating, slightly to our economy, but more important to our pride and strength. We are AMUUURIKA! And we just got light up by a few RW's that basically completely put our conquests of Iran, or swaps to Japan and most of our conquests in Mexico to a waste.

We had fun, sure, but we couldn't hold it :/


I reported in one of my last articles that it seemed a war between Colombia and Philippines was imminent after NE proposals on both sides were proposed after Colombia hit the button. Luckily, the time they were both voted down. A few days after another one was proposed by Colombia. Also voted down.

However, a few days ago Colombia managed to get theirs passed, and so a war was started between Colombia and ePhilippines.

Colombia attacked Visayas, Philippines allies from Ireland, Venezuela, Singapore, Malaysia, Israel and Canada as well as many others they were able to repel the attacks.

ePhilippines has also signed an MPP with eUS

It was soon after that ePhilippines attacked Pacifica, Colombia, which they were able to win and gain a foothold in South America. For the first time ever ePhilippines has entered South America.

They are currently attacking Caribe e Insular, but not trying to win because Colombia may be soon asking for their help to fight off a new problem.

Mexico has Proposed Colombia as their Natural Enemy and will soon begin their assault on Colombia.

I find this very ironic, considering during WW3 Mexico allowed Colombia to swap through them to attack eUS.
Poland, No longer our "best friend?"

After some alliance shake-ups it seems Poland is starting to make some moves and beginning to shake things up their own way. There have been many discussions on the forums and IRC that surrounding how our relations are now with Poland and Spain. Both have been stirring up troubles with Romania and now, eUS has rejected its own MPP with Spain.

In what is possibly my least favorite move ever, Poland has now Signed an MPP with Serbia


Is there any way to be more a fgt than signing an MPP with Serbia?

Quick Answer: NO.

Sorry to my polish subscribers, I'm just not a fan of your recent moves :/

Presidential Race in eUS

I know Italy has nothing to do with this, but here's a sexy Italian politician 😉

I said it on the forums yesterday but out of ALL Of the candidates running I believe there are only 3 who have a real chance, the others, I consider a joke 😉

The three I believe who can win it, and if they would win it do a good job are Claire Littleton, Emerick and Mizu.

Athanaric wrote a Great article With his opinions on these candidates and what they need to win.

Imo, the major factors of these elections will be who the military/militia's vote for and who inci will vote for.

In the past USWP has been a powerhouse when it comes to elections but with an election including 3 great candidates such as these I think there will be more to winning this election than just winning party primaries.

If you care to know, personally, I support Claire Littleton 😉

Long hurr, don't care. Vote for Claire Littleton so she can sit in Oval office chair 😃

Welcome back to Paul's Picture Palace! It is I, Paul, and Yes, I have captured a section of Jelly's excellent newspaper to publish some pictures at least semi related to the topic!

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