West Midlanders rule

Day 1,064, 23:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by TimmyTango

Remember, it's always a party with the PCP! 😉

Good day to you West Midlanders!
I come to you today as a congress candidate of the People's Communist Party, now don't think "OHMAHGAWD PCPFAG!" due to the few PCP members that fought against there homeland in some battles, I am completely different, although I am a PCP member, my foreign affairs aspect is more, if they provoke us it's on foo'!. However, I am Anti-Imperialist, so if our homeland attacks with no cause, I will not fight, with neither friend nor foe, unless I am uber bored.

My past career path
My eLife has been basically militaristic, until recently I decided I should pursue a career in politics, and if successful, to try and do some good to the eUK as a whole, not just a region. (Why this is so short will be explained towards the end)

Why I am running in the West Midlands
The West Midlands, believe it or not, is my home province, in both eRep and RL (Yeah I know, what is RL?) so it is a region I hold very dearly to me, so upon hearing that I am to run in West Midlands, I was like WOOHOOO, I really do hope that the people of West Midlands will at least consider me to be a worthy candidate for congress in the West Midlands.

What will he do for the West Midlands I hear you say?
Well, I will fund any activities for the West Midlands society, and set up weekly competitions, where you can win monetary prizes, and other stuff which I will think of, completly funded by me, see how nice I am. I also hope it will bring the West Midlands community together some more, and let us have a pretty kick ass time 🙂

If you are wondering "Who is this Burton Hotaling?" read on!
I am not very well known, although I have been trying to get more out there, by funding the Dublin attack recently, and getting a few Battle Hero medals here and there, getting around 50 - 80k damage in each of the battles, so I do a fair bit of damage.

If I am successful at getting into Congress, I would really be deeply honoured, and you would be getting me one step closer, to galactic domination!
AND! With me being able to sustain my health without a hospital anymore, I can stay in the West Midlands, and become a prominant member of our society.

Vote Burton Hotaling in the West Midlands Congress elections, i'll even say pwetty pwease ^.^

(The reason why this is so short, is because after writing out a wholeeee essay of a Congress Manifesto thing, eRep decided to bug, and I was like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU! I know you all feel my pain xD)

Sorry for it being so plain, I had no time to make some pictures.