Welome to Defense Daily

Day 570, 08:14 Published in Canada Canada by Gaidal Cain

Okay so I started a new paper to let new and some older players know what exactly is going on in the world. I hope to cover some major events that are going on at the time and explain to you exactly how they happened.

I guess first thing to cover is the war for Germany, surprising since a lot of people though this ended 2 days ago. I’m not going to cover the Swedish and Polish invasion; we all know they invaded Germany and split its lands, only freeing one poor region for Germans after the war. However, Germany was not satisfied and PEACE (Hungary, Italy, and France) decided to get involved.

Right after the German invasion I noticed strange things happening.
1. Italy and Hungary propose alliance with Slovenia, a small country that never had alliance before. Now why did they do it? A cheap way to declare war on Austria, and for Hungary to get access to Germany. Declaring war is expensive compared to 30gold Alliance. Once those alliances were active Austria (a Hungarian puppet) attacked Slovenia, triggering war with Italy and Hungary.

2. Italy and Hungary trade regions to give Hungarians access to occupied Germany. Austria attacks Lower Austria and Upper Austria, these are Austrian lands occupied by Italy. The Italian president quickly retreats from both battles. Hungarians attack Lower Austria and Upper Austria, and Austrian president retreats. This gives Hungary launching pad against Swedish controlled Bavaria. Then they simply attack original Croatian controlled region to trigger Croatian Alliances, and have themselves cheap war against Sweden.

3. France gets involved; first they sign alliance with a lot of PEACE countries to make sure they are not counterattacked. Second they declare war on Sweden.

4. While Hungary attacks Bavaria, Italy declares war on Poland and attacks Badden-Wurttemberg, France attacks Swedish controlled region of Rhineland-Palatinate.

5. Poland and Sweden can’t win against these odds so they decide to try cut off the attackers by freeing German land. Sweden starts resistance in Rhineland-Palatinate, but PEACE tanks secure it. Poland frees Saxony hopping to stop them from getting to Brandenburg (a High grain region Poland needs).

6. Germany decides to help PEACE out. They are declaring war on France, and will probably do so on Hungary and Italy if needed. Meaning Swedish and Polish moves of freeing German land to cut of the attackers will not work.

The end game: Sweden looses Schleswig-Holstein, Poland looses Brandenburg. Both are high grain regions and both countries need because they have none of their own. Also both countries spent lots of gold buying quality 5 defenses and hospitals for these regions that they will now lose. Also all the business people that started companies now are out of luck. Sweden will probably also lose its Danish occupied regions. Both countries will be cut off from expanding in Western Europe leaving them little options. Also both countries will be a lot poorer, they spent lots of gold in German war on tanking against German allies.

Italy, France, Hungary will easily take Germany not even needing to spend extra gold on tanks. They will probably not free its lands, or if they do they will keep border regions to make sure Poland and Sweden do not attack again.

Lesson to learn is that if you make an invasion like Poland and Sweden did, is to make sure your enemy will not easily be able to waste your plans and your gold. They should have had Croatia declared war on Slovenia (when it had no allies), took its Prekmurje region and attacked Burgenland (an Austrian occupied region by Hungary). This would cut Hungary from access to the west and take it from any direct involvement in Central Europe. See Hungary and Croatia are at war from some time ago (Croatia-Serbia war), and Hungary attacked Croatian original region activating Croatian Alliances with most of Atlantis. Hungary could never take on Croatia not will all these allies fighting with them.