Wellness and Fighting

Day 750, 09:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by sprucemagoo1

For starters, you need to get yourself over 40 wellness so you can fight, and when you fight you can go to the hospital and get an amount of wellness from your local hospital depending on how many stars it has. A 2 star hospital would give 20 wellness, a 4 star hospital will give 40 wellness. I would recommend for any noobs, to move to a region with a Q5 hospital, and get yourself established in the game before moving to a region with lesser hospitals. If you have let your wellness slip due to not knowing what to do, or inactivity, you can get over 40 wellness by buying the highest quality food you can afford, and asking for gifts off your friends like me, who will help you as well.

P.S. Bookmark all the pages that this article sends you!

Also register yourself on the eUK Forums, navigate to your regions forum, and put yourself down for a welcome basket. (Depending on weather your region provides this service.)

Right, down to the nitty gritty! When you have worked, trained, and are over 40 wellness, hover over the info tab and click on country stats and then the military stats. This will take you to a list of wars this country is involved in. If your lucky, you will find a battle to fight in. Alternatively you can find the public fighting orders from the Mod HERE!

Now you are at the battlefield, go ahead and fight. BUT ONLY ONCE! You can fight more on another day, but just for now, just once. When you have pressed the fight button, you will be directed to a page where you can scroll down and see a button that says fight again (don't click it), click on go back to battlefield button located in the bottom left of the screen! On the page it takes you to, it will say hospital in blue just above the fight button, so click hospital. Now you can scroll down to the heal button, click it and get all the beautiful wellness your local hospital can give!

From then on (assuming you took my advice and moved to a Q5 hospital region), you will be able to fight until your wellness is around 50, and then heal yourself. This is a very important part of the game, as keeping your wellness up, means you can fight more next time. It will also give you better productivity so you won't get fired, and then if you work 30 days in a row, you will get 5 gold. A wiki guide to Experience Points, and what levels you get gold on, can be found by clicking

While I have your full attention, I have noticed that people can go to level 20 and such, without having many efriends. I think this is very sad!

Remember n00bs, more friends = more help. That is why it is so important to join the forums, and start conversing with the diverse range of personalities that live there. I could write a whole lot more on what to do next, but I'm going to let you figure it out.

One last hint! Research the political parties properly, and choose the party on the basis of party policies that most suit your ideals and opinions, instead of who is party leader. Just make sure when it comes to the vote, you know the party leader candidate isn't a lying cheat.