Well I"m back,sorta. Looks like eUSA readies for battle as food prices increase

Day 1,860, 04:21 Published in USA USA by Sinensis969

First off, wtf eRep. You change so much and yet have changed so little. Its still the same idiots creating destruction, except now they seemed to have gained more listeners, and the eUSA seems to have collapsed.

That aside, just thought it would be worth mentioning the huge rise in prices that Q1 foods seems to be making at the moment. Trading at around 0.06, and still buying rapidly, either someone is fudging with us, or a big battle is about to ensue. (can't confirm as haven't been noting weapons increases though a rise in raw food has also been noted).

As eUSA has voted for Taiwanese to be a natural enemy, and due to the fact that we recently lost our food advantage when we lost that area, I'd expect some sort of battle to follow with Taiwan. (no shark sherlock)

Creating or at least prepping the eUSA for a large battle would actually be a very good idea. If the eUSA govt was smart, they would advertise this huge battle for Christmas day, to try and get more people to come out for the vote. But that would require a degree of planning for increasing the vote.

That or there are just a bunch of really really stupid newbs buying lots of Q1 food without looking at the Q2 food. (Note, in the 30 mins I've been on, Q2 food is now starting to show an increase as well increasing by 0.02 cents, a sharp increase)