Well done Woldy and Say NO to PTO!

Day 747, 01:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus


Congratulations to Mr Woldy for a well run and very hard fought victory. As can be seen from some of the images that have been sneaked out of TUP Party HQ, the victory party ran on long into the night. Nice crumpet BTW...

Commiserations to Craig Rossiter - supported by this paper and the majority of the right-wing, it seems that the late decision by the RFA to field their own candidate cost him those last few votes needed.

What will be interesting is how the Right Wing will now form up against the resurgent TUP/PCP given that the UK seems neatly divided between right, left and the fence-sitters.

*BEP says get off the fence - you'll give yourself a sore bum!*

On an important party political note, I can reveal here and now that the British Empire Party's support for the UKRP will now cease immediately. It is the opinion of the BEP shadow cabinet that the current leadership of the UKRP, given our ongoing conflict with America, represents a clear and present danger to the political security of this nation.

Having a known former-USA President masquerading as a British national hero, icon and legend is an affront to all that is right and proper.Not only that, but he has a history of attempting political takeovers, notably in South Africa, as well as creating multiple eRep accounts to try and further his plans. The BEP and it's members will NOT support such an individual.

Our message to the Right-Wing of the eUK therefore is this: If you agree with us in Fun, Conflict & Community and wish to stand up to the TUP & PCP coalition, then support the only true British right wing party and join the British Empire Party This is especially true for those UKRP members who agree with me, that Winston LS Churchill is not the man to lead your party. Show him, and his growing number of American friends that he has allowed into the UK, that this country will not be his next PTO victim.

* This message is broadcast on behalf of The British Empire Party *

* Edited by LG - "London's Good, help me keep it that way" *