Well done admins.

Day 752, 12:15 Published in USA USA by Necrosis

You managed to break, at least temporarily, the superalliance divide. People on both sides united for a single cause.

That cause is to protest at your ineptitude.

You announced today that there will be an option to use gold in order to gain strength faster. What a godamm awful idea. It wont make the gap between the old and new smaller. It wont make people buy more gold.

It just exacerbates the problem

Going to post an excellently put post from the eUSA forums, puts it better than I ever could.


Well, with the new updates I feel like I'm going to fall even further behind. I'm not going to spend gold, so the old players will stay stronger than me and the new ones will pass me even faster. IDK how much longer I'm going to be playing.

The only people who can afford this 'service' (what a joke, bet its bugged beyond belief as well), are the older players, who earn large wages and run successful companies? The new players see people with strengths of 35+, and wonder what the point is. They quit. You manage to make the hardest part for governments around the world, player retention, even harder. You'll end up with 10 guys playing, who've been around since day 1, and bam, dead game. All that investment money you received, and promptly blew on crack and hookers? wasted. Well, more so than it obviously already is.

Well done, you recognised that there is a problem. But your solution to the case of appendicitis that eRep is suffering from is to remove the appendix. With a shotgun. well done.

I have been around a day shy of 2 years. I have seen various levels of idiocy from the game administration. You've broken the old record/.

Honestly, there should be a more meaningful article here, going into more depth about this stupidity. But I'm lost for words. Last time that happened I ended up getting dumped, funnily enough.