Welfare System

Day 297, 08:34 Published in USA USA by denversbest02

Many have been asking about what my welfare systmem will compose of so here it goes. I have big plans for eDenver, and this is the first major change I would make. It is my welfare system I want to have put in place.

The plans I have for the welfare system are as follows:

1. To qualify for the welfare system, you must be out of work for at least three days.
2. Next you have to either contact myself, or the advisor in charge of the welfare system.
3. In you personal message, you must put what choice of welfare you want.

Here is what the welfare system will be composed of:

1. You have the choice to either:
a. collect $10.00 per week or
b. to be put into the welfare company I have provided and will be paid $2.00 per day.
*(Most will choose the work because it will increase their skill as well as make more money, but leaving the option available)*

2. Next, I will set up a gift program. I will contact more experienced members to donate gifts to the players in need that way it will not put a strain on the budget in Denver.
a. The gifts will only be used to maintain wellness while you work and boost it to a cap of 60.

To pay for this, I will use the profit from the company set up for the welfare system and if there is even more profit I will donate it to the city and use the funds to make it a better city.

The goal for me and the advisor is to find these citizens jobs as soon as possible. Also if the citizen wants, we will enroll them into the National Guard to build our military strength and to get them more pay.

And this is not set in stone. I will adjust this system until it works for the citizens who need it. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.