Welcome V1 - OchiReci Explain the New World

Day 329, 01:18 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci

Good Day V1. I will try to explain some of the new v1 link. I can explain most of the links because I have the honor to be a v1 tester and I was able to acces this new world almoust 1 week ago first time.
○○○○○○○ Home - Meniu

* On Home Page you have :
- To Do List [ give you some hints about what you can do with your current level ]
- Media / Last 5 Article / Most Voted Article / International News - Are also here
- Shoutbox - is also here divded in friends shouts [ what you friends shout ] , official shout [ president and congress memebers ] and all shouts
○○○○○○○ My Places - Meniu

- Profil - your profil first shows name , country, region , wiki page and after general information [ Picture , Shouts you post , Money Accounts, Inventory , Carrer [ Distinctions ] , Bio [ Wellness and Skills ] and Friends. Last on profil page you can see where you work , your party , your newspaper and your military achievment.
- Company - all company you own or the company you work on. You can resign or work for it here [ I just work for 9mm for 50,00 Ron salary and made 12 weapons q4 that worth 1200 RON ... LOL ] [ Every company have 20,00 gold in it now because a q1 cost 20 gold in v1 and was 40 in Beta ]
- Army - Here are all information about army. First is work buton , fallow by your military skill, potential damage [ bonus that change with weapon q , military rang and wellness and it is the base of the damage that you can make , can be better and even much better if you fight and you score more question and more supershoot. I make maximum 130 damage with q5 weapon , field general rank , 100% Wellness , 5/5 Answers and 5 SuperShoot ]
- Party - All information about your party , here is also a new features .. each party can support a candidate for presidency election but only top 5 party will be in election. Other news .. if somebody want to candidate for party presedency he need to pay 2 gold and in the same time the Party Internal Election are on 15 each month [ was 10 before ]
- Newspaper - Your newspaper. A lot of changes here. First each time you edit your newspaper detail you need to pay 2 gold. Second you can`t see how many subscribers you have [ only others can see ]. I can acces this information anywhay entering Here. Edit buton , Delete, Vote still exist... views isen`t alive anymore and I consider this ok , mostly because the views contor can be eaily tricket on opera. We have a bug exploit chase on beta about this , made by a chield.
- Country Administration - Here all Congressmen from a country can vote laws. Can be every laws you can imagine , because will be a question all need to answer. You can see all there votes but you can participate if you arent in congress or your country president. Here also start all war , mutual pacts and all changes in economy, administration, and military. All require to be accepted by Country Congress
- Organizations - All the So people have will be transfer here in time, but from now each SO you wana make need to be make here. You will only need to pay 5 gold and have a mail to creat one. After you will be able to access the So in the same way like in Beta , but you won`t be able from it to vote , work , train or something like that. You will have a company [ if is the chase ] or a paper to manage from it.
○○○○○○○ Market - Meniu

- Marketplace : Here you can buy all produc from game including raw material [ but this can only be buy from company account ]. You can choose to see all produc of one type to compare the price , or you can simple go to the specific quality of product you want and buy it. One simple change : new product "Defense Systems" will be like "Hospitals" and only the president will be able to buy them.
- Monetary Market : Different layout , no longer apear the standard value of exchange. You simple choose what you want to buy / sell and look for a good exchange rate. [ Note : on "Show my offers" you will only see all your offers on that currency .. exemple Buy Gold For Ron .. you will only see all your offers where you sell ron for gold, you won`t see your offers from other currency or other exchange ]
- Human Resourse : Here you can apply for a job. You can select the skill, starting level and country and see in short time the best job offers. One thing you should know : once you become a employer of a company you can`t resign it direclty. You need to wait 72 houers until you can resign.
- Company For Sale : Here you will see all company listed for sale , from lowest price to bigest price. Some exchange , first is only in gold [ so all people who make money in BETA from cheating other people and buy them company in local currency will have a bad news ]. Other fact .. you can have company outside your country , and you can manage it from your account. Now you can move even if you have 1-10 company also. Bad thing is that now you can`t see how many money are in a company.
- Get Gold & Extra : You can buy "extra storage" [ meaning 10 shout / day , extra invetory ], you can buy Gold [ 3 different offers / Only 1 time per week you can buy ] , you also can unlock all features .. and off-course you can buy wellness for gold [ 10 % wellness means 2 Gold ]. Here should be regional Hospital also , but currently is not operational.
○○○○○○○ Info - Meniu
- Best Of : Here you can see best Citizen , Companies , Country , Parties , Newspaper from all regions of your country , from you country or from the entire world. Citizens are divided by "experience points". Country are arrange by several criterium. Companies are arrange by number of employees and by sale. Party are arange by member number and Newspaper by subscribers.
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