Welcome to the official Sports Newspaper!!

Day 863, 14:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The eFA

There are many sports spread across the eWorld, so we are going to try our best to provide you with all the latest news and interviews from a wide variety of sports. Therefore if YOU run any type of eSport activity then please contact us and we will Write about your Sport! Have fun reading the below and enjoy 🙂


This is one of the most common types of sport in erepublik and there are many variations. We are going to follow one of the latest types (and what we think is the best) eFootball variation that has sprung up after 2 different efootball groups merged. ePoland have had an successful efootball system for awhile and with over 250+ players it has proven popular with the people. They have been looking to expand into other countries since they started and when eUK's latest eFootball league popped up, a perfect partnership arose. After days of talks both groups agreed to join together, with eUK's group adopting the rules and system of ePoland's.
The new features of this partnership look good and already plans for international games are being planned and arranged. With eUK's efootball leader Herefordunited dreaming bigger plans, he immediatly opened talks with more countrys to make the efootball league even bigger! So far he has got Israel, France, Ireland and many small countries interested with Israel even commiting to create an international team. Where as the French Ministers think the idea is very good and are seeing what the people think before making a final decision on joining in.

With both ePoland and eUK still in their current domestic seasons, everyone is eargerly awaiting the start of the new joint season which start date has yet to be announced. The full details of season 2 have not been released but a full report has been promised by HerefordUnited and it is highly awaited. But we promise you that the full report will be published here as well as hopefully an interview with the head of ePoland eFootball.

One thing that the eFootball heads would like to point out is that all eUK players in season 1 MUST re-appy using the new forms for season 2!! Otherwise you will never play again. Use the below to apply.

Apply as Manager here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFo1MDM1R0Q1ekNFZk5kTGhwM2tZT0E6MA

Apply as Player here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFpPLTZJeG9KTTRmd0NmUmhuWFAxRXc6MA

Please note you can be both 🙂


With the new chairman herefordunited comes a new era. But sad news has now to be told. only a fraction of players have signed up and due to eFootball and erepublik becoming more demanding, the time to run eCricket had vanished. This is sad news as i like cricket but only a tiny fraction of people have applied for cricket compared to eFootball. Therefore all the data will be kept and all the stuff kept, so if YOU would like to run eCricket please semd an in-game message to HerefordUnited123 and he will give you all the stuff and a detailed report on how it all works. Otherwise it will vanish, unless a willing MoHa entertainment apprentice steps ups. It is sad news to include in our first eCricket article but it has to be said.

Thanks for reading and please subscribe and vote,

(Head of eFA)