Welcome to the inaugural edition of eLUWISHUS! Magazine!!!

Day 702, 14:38 Published in USA USA by Aluwishus

Welcome Citizens!

My name is Aluwishus, and I am the owner and chief editor of eLUWISHUS! Magazine. In this intermittent rag, I'll attempt to entertain as well as inform any eRep citizens that are willing to read it. Egocentric and selfish in nature, eLUWISHUS! Magazine will push upon the masses my business endeavors and political agendas, as well as the ones of those who love me. Unless of course theirs conflict or compete with mine!

Also, I'll be adding some fun stuff. Here's some:


Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen

Well, he's done it. Michael Bay has managed to break his own record, and the world record, for most explosions in a single motion picture. Well done douchebag, go count your money and confirm that you can continue making crap for your target audience - people who don't care about anything but explosions in movies. LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT ONE!


USA vs. Hungary: Manitoba Falls - USA Victorious

Yes, we kick ass. In an after action review, when asked by a high ranking officer concerning the outcome of the battle, an unnamed Private was reported replying, "We killed more motherfuckers than Jim Jones, Sir!"

Yes, private, yes we did. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE...?

Well too bad. I just pulled that out of my ass.

As you might be able to tell already, eLUWISHUS! Magazine's modus will be primarily satire, parody, comedy, irreverence, and the like. However, its purpose will include helping the new player with information and assistance regarding eRepublik, as well as helping seasoned veterans laugh again. It's not so bad... really.

Anyhoo, hoped you enjoyed the inaugural edition of the rag. Please subscribe and buy my stuff.
