Welcome to 5th Squad

Day 350, 17:13 Published in USA Japan by Geno Garon

Welcome to the eUSA Army!

This is Lt. Geno Garon, and my Sgt. Major is Intelekshual.

In this newsletter, I will be providing the members of 5th Squad with the details they need to succeed in the eUSA Army.

However, I will need you guys to do 3 things first, while I gather info into appropriate articles.

1: Subscribe to this newsletter.

2: Comment on this article (a HOOAH will do). Also, ALWAYS comment on all messages and newsletter articles. THIS IS REQUIRED.

3: Follow this link: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pL2QIgtKkIjRB1hcUlLZDIA&hl=en
This link leads you to the 1st Platoon Pay Chit, where you are to, once a week, fill out all the information in order to get paid that week.

Those are the very basics. I will post new articles anytime you guys need a reference for something.

~ Geno out.