Welcome Back France

Day 824, 20:12 Published in Germany Belgium by Konrad Neumann

Welcome back France. I am really happy that you are back into the international community and all eGermans are glad in your return. As many of you know that Phoenix launched a similar operation which resulted in our liberation but this time in France. Our forces fought with determination and resolved which resulted in 2 regions liberated, Auvergne and Franche-comte. Congrats to France and congrats to Phoenix. Viva la France!!!

In the past few days, Phoenix saw controversy from the eUK situation to the article that the French President wrote. People were divided on the issue. I personally talked to a few people on the IRC as well as via PM. I read the comments and these controversies caused anger and outrage. Some were rational disagreements while others cry for blood and called the UK traitors etc. The French situation was similar/ Even within French society, either there were in favor of their president's view that Phoenix did not do enough or that Phoenix did what they could and that the President's article was wrong. Regardless of our differences, we showed the world tonight that Phoenix are united. Despite our differences, when we combined our efforts and determination towards a common goal, we can deliver results.

The Unity Party (TUP) of eUK have a great motto, "Unity is Strength." We shows our strength as a Phoenix member. While we have many different ideals, objective and visions, I am happy that Germany, France, UK, and Phoenix as a whole is united and work as one organic organism. Every time there are controversy, we should look at Germany and France as Germany and France are symbols of our unity and our common comradeship.

Welcome back France and I wish you the best of luck and our best. Germany and eGermans are more then happy to help you in these days.

Long live eGermany
Long live eFrance,
Long live Phoenix

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Konrad Neumann
eGerman President

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