Weekly Update

Day 1,027, 09:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Chris Cuthbertson

Hello this week Eire,
As most of you know I'm still holding down my apartment until I can get settled into another place with good access. Thank god for smart phones.

Things have been going well with me, including school, especially considering the new freshmen ladies... 😉

Anyway, these past couple weeks Connolly James has been helping a lot with Labour and he deserves the VP position, too bad we've seen a loss of members to the new society. I have nothing but respect for them due to the fact they hold some of Eire's greatest members, but also sadly, some of the most ignorant. Those I won't have to point out, you can see them for yourself as to how they speak and leave comments within articles. As for our new president; Besides Dub, Nogin was without a doubt the best choice for Eire and I'll support her fully. I believe she will lead this country in a great direction.

Now, I'm back off to get cleaned up to go out to the pub and watch Americas and my team:

smash the redskins...

Have a good sunday mates and I'll speak with you soon.

Chris Cuthbertson
