Week 7 Legion Lottery (Open to All)

Day 1,840, 13:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jordee14

So here we are, the result of the much anticipated all new Legion Lottery.

Numbers taken as the first 3 replies to my request were...

29, 9 & 7.

Special mention has to go to Carlini who with numbers 10 and 28 missed out by just one twice!!

But down to the important things the winners are

1st: Kain Propain (100 Tanks)
2n😛 Niemand (Non Legion) (40 Tanks)
3r😛 Puppie Master (60 Tanks)

Congratulations guys, you tanks will be with you shortly.

With a Non Legion member getting in amongst the prizes we have our first roll over pot meaning that this week the first prize could be as much as 140 tanks if won by a Legion fighter!!

So get your FREE tickets guys, it's open to all of eUK.

To enter simply post below and if you are a Legion member you can get yourself a second ticket by following the steps listed and getting yourself onto the Legion message board.

A reminder of the rules, non Legion members can only win 50% of the prizes I'm afraid. With the unclaimed prizes going into a Roll Over prize fund that will go to the next Legion member who wins 1st prize!

There are three prizes up for grabs, 100 Q7 tanks (plus potential roll over pot), 80 Q7 tanks and 60 Q7 tanks!!

It couldn't be cheaper to enter people.....it's........FREE!!

Participants this week included

4 x Legion Forum and Article entrants.
13 x Legion Forums entrants.
9 x Legion Article entrants.
11 x Non Legion entrants.

Good Luck people.

For Legion members to enter on the forums all you have to do is register on the eUK forums at www.erepublik.co.uk, apply for Legion access here: Legion Access

Then once you can see it, simply post here! Colloseum

Legion OFFICIAL eUK military.
No political attachment so no messages about voting and joining our party, join us and be part of something lego...