Week 1

Day 1,551, 08:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Little Boy Blue
Part 1
As I got off the bus in the country side of Wexford after a 2hr journey from the airport I thought to myself that it was unreal how many wars were going on in this small country of eIreland.But I didn't have much to think any longer as a I was pulled off the bus and told to run for cover.BAM! The bus that I had been on been blown up.Thanks to the guys wearing overcoats hanging out of Q5 tanks with a Black hand printed on them I was safe.

As I sat in the trench frozen with fear the young girl that i sat with on the bus just got killed right in front of me.Her blood drenched my clothes and made me think... I'm not ready for these Bloody battles.

Back in base camp when the 2days of war ended i got a letter from The Black Hand stating that I should join eIrish Boot Camp and that they would train me to be the best.

Joining them has thought me loads and I am looking forward to joining the bigger guns soon.

Remember read my Introduction Letter before you start stating these facts are wrong, incorrect or false