Weed in G [EN only]

Day 799, 13:10 Published in Poland Germany by Caroline au Marymont

On Tuesday, the 27th, there was a great event. Malika Ela, a well-know RTF commander from Romania and Popelus (formerly known as Nina Ayu) decided to unite and share their eLife together. A lot of people from all over the eWorld came to this wedding and shared with newlyweeds their joy.
The guests were in a little anxiety by Nina's late entree, which was because of problems with Rizon. Some people even started betting, if she will be late or not (Erwin, remember, that you have to give me gold!). Fortunately, she wasn't late.
- Dearly berated, we have gathered here today, under the lustful eyes of lifeless internet trolls, to log and celebrate the Lesbian eWedding of Nina and Malika. - Priest Schauman started ceremony - It's a promise of hope between two people. It's is a promise of debauchery and endless amount of Lesbian related comedy, deliberately told in a manner that leads the confused male brain to believe that Lesbians actually exist outside porno movies. - he said. Some people have just started crying, hearing this beautiful speech.
- Malika, will you have this underaged girl to be your wedded eWife, to share your eLife with her, and do you pledge that you will amuse us men with stories of hot lesbian sex, and provide us with pics of said intimate moments, as long as you both and the internet shall live? - Priest asked Malika Ela.
- Yes, I do – she said.
Then, Nina was asked by Priest:
- Nina, will you have this eRomanian sex symbol to be your wedded eWife, to share your eLife with her, and do you pledge that Swedes indeed are pig disgusting, and provide me with the exclusive right to film your wedding night like we discussed in the vestibule earlier, as long as you both and the internet shall live?
- Of course – she answered.
- As Nina and Malika have consented together to join their lives in the bonds of matrimony, and have witnessed the same before this company of eFamily and eFriends, I therefore, by the authority granted by the creator of eRepublik, the Almighty Headless Chicken, pronounce that they are now eWife and eWife. - Priest finally announced the act of getting married. - You may kiss the bride while the male spectators casually place their hymn books on their crotches.

And that happened, Malika kissed Nina with passion, which was nothing but love. The people started congratulating and vivating. One person said that she saw Priest fapping, but unfortunately, she was missed in the flood of shouts.
We congratulate Nina and Malika on their new way in eLife! We wish the best.
We also would like to inform, that Nina moved to Romania and got this country's citizenship, because Malika wanted her to do it 🙂 As we can see, the marriage's beginning...

And at the end, we are publishing a little Gallery of Wedding's Golden Quotes.