Wednesday's Daily Dose

Day 2,542, 09:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nights0ul


Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett’s cabinet had no Latinos in it. “If you can find us one, please let us know,” he told a Latino newspaper last year. For a photo with the governor on his reelection campaign website, his team did find a black woman — in a stock photo. After the web site BuzzFeed spotted the campaign image and a Shutterstock photo that looked like the source, the Corbett camp admitted everyone in the image had been Photoshopped in. The campaign replaced the ’shopped image with one it says “is a picture of Gov. Tom Corbett with his supporters. They were all photographed together at the same time.” And one of the five people shown is a black woman.

-- Philadelphia Daily News


Two cowboys are riding along a trail in the mountains when they suddenly hear tom toms beating very close to them.

"Uh Oh! That doesn't sound good," one says to the other.

An Indian jumps out from behind a tree and says, "Yeah, our regular drummer is out sick."


When I accepted a job as a tennis pro in an affluent Los Angeles suburb, one of my first students was a young girl who was learning how to keep score. Winning the first point of her service game, she stammered, "Uh, fifteen-um," forgetting that love is the term for zero in tennis. "What makes the world go around?" I asked, hoping to jog her memory.

Without any hesitation she responded, "Oh, fifteen-money."


A new study found that two-thirds of the world's penguins are threatened.

Which begs the question, why do they keep answering the phone?"


idiot ('id ee ot') n. - one who disagrees with me