WebMastR for South Carolina (Congress)

Day 1,582, 02:55 Published in USA USA by WebMastR

Hello all,

I would like to first off, introduce myself. I am WebMastR; a 1LT (Platoon Commanding Officer and Senior Lieutenant) in the eUnited States Training Corps, a branch of the JCS Militia. I have spent nearly all of my eLife training new citizens who apply for the eUSTC. Teaching them to grow faster, become stronger, and make smart decisions in the future. I very much enjoy my job, helping newbs thrive in this tough eWorld.

That’s the military part of my eLife. The other part is politics. I very much love eRepublik politics because not only can I help myself, by making new friends and becoming more popular in the game, but I can help many others too, by working hard to make the country we live in a better place.

This month will be my fourth actualrun at congress. My first run ended in a success. I was elected congressman from the state South Dakota. My second run didn’t go quite so well. I was still pretty new, and I didn’t realize the preparation I had to go through before each and every election. I was very unprepared, and did not have success. My third run went well, a close one, which made it all the better when I came out with that victory. That election occurred when the eUS was struggling against the forces of Poland, Serbia, and all the great stuff that comes along in that package. I was among the four candidates of New Mexico that scored enough votes to be elected.

But my second experience in congress had a much better final result, and here’s why:

After winning my first election, I was unsure of what to do as a congressman. I did not get very into it, and did not have much of an impact. On my second run, I was taught so much more, and really got into congress. I was putting more time into it, I was working much harder, I was taking the job so much more seriously, and it was a really fun experience for me.

Even though I learned so much, my time was limited. I was a congressman for just 30 days, so I missed out on a few things that I didn’t have time to focus on because I was learning about the basics to begin with. Now, on my fourth run, I know so much more about what congress is really about and how to be a successful, helpful congressman, I think I’m ready to go back there, finish what I started, and become an even stronger political figure.

What makes a successful politician is experience. The more, the better. What I’m asking for right now is that experience. Give me the opportunity to have more of that experience, and become even better than I am right now. Elect me as congressman in South Carolina on March 25, 2012.

If you’ve read all this, and you’re still not convinced to vote for me, then….well – this should do the trick:

Megan Fox… works every time.