Weapons To Elite Few In Training War : Harms eAustralian Growth

Day 567, 01:38 Published in Australia Ukraine by Australian Warlord

Many of you don't know this however eAustralian taxes are currently being used to give weapons to a elite few, simply for training battles. Most of you are asked to forgo benefits simply to feed a few "elite" boys club players in activities that have nothing to do with eAustralian security. Infact this waste of funds for the "elite" few in training wars limits eAustralia's capacity to fund other things (such as regaining our territories) &/or reduces our combat capability in real wars.

Ask yourself, should eAustralian taxes be used to fund a "elite" few in training battles with zero benefit to eAustralia or should it be used to help eAustralia as a whole. If you believe that eAustralian taxes should be used to help eAustralian growth & not a "elite" few, ask yourself whether the people you vote for are the best option.



64 players ain't getting weapons. I can tell you this for a fact as I among the "listed" 64 & others are and weapons ain't supplied. Even if 64 players were receiving weapons, there's apparently 400 odd active eAustralian citizens.

Second we ain't talking about wage subsitution, there's nothing wrong with wage substitution. We're talking about a special gift of weapons being supplied simply for being in this "special" group.
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The attempt to cloud this topic as simply a con trick so that people ain't sure what's going on. There's a special supply of weapons being supplied to a special little inside group & these people are wanting to protect it. eAustralia is supposed to be for all, not to have some class system at the detriment of eAustralia's longterm growth. These people are saying that most of you don't matter, that most of you are 2nd class eCititens. Tell them that no you're not a 2nd class citizen.