We want fair game!

Day 1,449, 11:37 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Fueled by hate

Look at this picture guys.

Well,until now every new country had 45-60 days to prepare for a war.Now the admins add Albania in the hottest place in Erepublik ( the Balkans) and give on the albanian community only 15 days to prepare for exhausting wars with Serbia and Republic of Macedonia(FYROM).For this 15 days they cannot elect congress,or even put in order in their new country.It's important to say that Albania has 3 resources,that neither Serbia or Republic of Macedonia(FYROM) own.I think that this is unfair for the albanian sociality and I hope that is a mistake.We just want a equal start for all new countries in Erepublik.Let's at least not to think only about the money,but also for the citizens interests.

We want fair game!