We're Comin' Out! Guns Ablazin' !!!

Day 757, 20:25 Published in USA USA by Bull Moose Newspaper

We all know that there are five major political parties in the eUS, but have any of us considered joining a smaller party that is filled with dedicated players instead? Well, that party is finally here if you answered yes to that question. We need not look further than its political track record in the last nine days - YES, nine days! - to prove this.

The Bull Moose Party was founded on December 7th, 2009 by two active eUS citizens. Already the Party has grown to include some 27 members, and it seems that the Party grows every day. One of the founders, Forest McElroy, won his presidency unopposed...I know, this does not appear to prove how active the Party members are, but this is not the case. In that election, 74% of the members casted their votes. An astounding number, considering how inactive the members of small parties typically are. Yet another fine example of our members’ dedication is Stormin, the other party founder. Not only is he the Secretary of Internal Affairs for the Bull Moose Party, but he is a Seal Team 6 member, and is currently running for the Washington Congressional seat on the USWP's ticket. Even I have just finished writing the Constitution of the Bull Moose Party. Every single member in this party is knowledgeable and ready to do what they can to make eUS policy better. How much more dedication can you get?

The only way that our party can have an impact on eUS politics is if we have a surplus of dedicated members in our party - that means that you must take the initiative to join! One of the major problems with the large parties is that they tend to get bloated; they fill their ranks with inactive players simply to get the numbers to be a "big party". We at the Bull Moose Party, however, know that we truly can make a difference if we show everyone in the eUSA - or the eWorld for that matter - just how much we care and how devoted we are. Another reason why the larger parties may not be the best place for you is because there is little mobility. Many people join the big parties because they believe that they can rise to the top and be a major player in eUS politics...they fail. Others start their own parties, but those parties never become influential enough for the members to become major players both because they politically alienate themselves and are unwilling to cooperate with the larger parties. The only answer is to have a relatively small party that is full of members who are there because they care, who are there and willing to work with citizens from other parties, who are there and want to help you do the exact same thing. The Bull Moose Party is going to do exactly that. But we need your help, we need you to join our party and help us make a difference.

If you are new to eUS politics, there are plenty of members in our party who are more than willing to help you get involved. Check out our wiki, talk to our members, and then make the decision for yourself. Oh, and by the way, subscribe to this newspaper...you will not regret it.

Bull Moose Party Link
Bull Moose Forum Link
Bull Moose Wiki Link

And remember if you are a member to go to the chat room. If you do not have the password send a PM requesting it to any of the party officers.

If you are interested you may also find Stormin's campaign platform here.

For the Republik,
-Alexander C. Kraynor
BMP Sec. of Communications